Stripe, statement descriptor, customise bank statement, transaction descriptor, bank statement
Stripe - statement descriptors
Customising your customer's bank statements on Stripe
Transaction Descriptor - I want my company's name to appear on my customer's bank statements. How do I set this up on Stripe?
Stripe passes statement descriptor texts, URLs, phone numbers and business addresses to your customer's bank. The customer's bank statement will, in turn, show your account statement text and a mix of the other information depending on the bank.
If you're looking to display your company name in the customer's bank statements when using Stripe, there are 2 ways to accomplish this:
On your Stripe account, you can set how your business name appears on statements. This can be configured in Account Settings > Public Information > Statement Descriptor.
You can configure this directly in Chargebee at Settings > Payment Gateways > Transaction Descriptors(right side of the page).
Here's more on configuring Transaction Descriptors for Stripe in Chargebee.