

GetAccept  allows you to create quote documents using a customized template, which can be then sent to your customers and digitally signed. GetAccept automatically follows up with the customer for signing the document, thus saving you the effort of multiple manual followups.

Integrating Chargebee with GetAccept allows you to send a quote created in Chargebee as a GetAccept Document to your customers. Upon receiving it, the customer can e-sign/approve it to create a subscription or pay charge for a service. Also, you can couple a subscription action to automatically follow when the quote is accepted.

After integrating GetAccept with Chargebee, you can perform the following actions:

  • Send a quote created in Chargebee as a GetAccept Document.
  • Map fields from Chargebee quotes to the text fields in GetAccept template. So every time while sending out a Chargebee quote using a GetAccept template, the mapped fields automatically get pre-filled in the GetAccept template.
  • Set automatic actions in Chargebee. You can automate changing quote status to Accepted when the quote is signed by the customer. It can also be followed by a create subscription action.
  • Attach a PDF of Chargebee quote to your GetAccept Document.

Quote versioning feature of Chargebee quotes is currently not supported for this integration. Learn more.


  • Quotes should be enabled.
  • Templates should be created in GetAccept with all the necessary text fields.
  • Chargebee's base currency and GetAccept's currency  must match.


Integrating GetAccept 

The integration has three configuration steps:

  1. Choose Quote Type
  2. Configure Sender Rules
  3. Configure Sync Rules

1. Choosing Quote Type 

Choosing document type - Select between Chargebee quote and GetAccept template, whichever you wish to send to the customer. Note that even if GetAccept template is selected there is an option to attach a PDF of Chargebee quote with it.

When you select Chargebee quote,

  • Select if you need to send a consolidated quote or a detailed quote. Detailed quote has information about each billing term while consolidated quote provides overall information about the entire subscription term.

When you select GetAccept quote,

  1. Select a GetAccept template. The templates displayed in the drop-down list are synced from your GetAccept account.
  2. Map Chargebee fields to the respective GetAccept fields. Note that only labeled text fields from the template are displayed here. To know more, take a look at the field mapping section.
  3. Toggle if you need to attach a PDF of Chargebee quote to the GetAccept Document while sending it.
  4. Select if you need to attach a consolidated or detailed version of the quote created in Chargebee. Detailed quote has information about each billing term while consolidated quote provides overall information about the entire subscription term.

2. Configure Sender Rules 

Configure the sender preferences.

  1. Choose the sender address to display in the quote. This can be overridden while sending the quote. Also, only verified email addresses in GetAccept can be used as sender address.
  2. Toggle to set the sender address as default, making it unmodifiable while sending the quote.

3. Configure Sync Rules 

Configure the action to follow when a GetAccept Document is signed.

  • Mark quote as accepted - Changes quote status to Accepted in Chargebee. You can then manually convert the quote into a subscription or charge the customer.

  • Mark quote and create subscription - Changes quote status to Accepted and creates a subscription out of that quote. Auto-collection is set to "off" by default, you can navigate to the customer profile in Chargebee and change it.

Click Proceed to save and complete the integration.

Sending a Quote via GetAccept 

To send a quote via GetAccept from Chargebee, select any quote in Open state and click Send via GetAccept.

This opens the Send Quote window in a new tab, displaying the configurations and fields for sending that quote.

  1. Enter the Document Name as necessary. Name of the quote, if present, is populated.
  2. The Chargebee Quote Type which is to be attached or sent, can be overridden here.
  3. Sender field contains the sender address set during integration. This can only be overridden if the toggle is off in default sender configuration.
  4. Use the On accepting quote drop-down list to select the action to follow when a quote is accepted.

Recipients of the quote 

For recipients, all the fields - First and last name, Email and Role are mandatory since it is critical to address the quote to the right receiver and provide appropriate access.

The recipient preferences vary based on the source of Document you are sending.

If you have selected sending a Document from GetAccept template, there are two use cases:

Template with defined recipient roles

  • For each recipient role defined in the GetAccept template, a recipient along with their Name, email id and role has to be defined. The number of recipients cannot be reduced or increased. You can only change the number of recipients inside the GetAccept application to reflect here.

  • The first recipient information is pre-filled with the Chargebee customer for whom the quote is created.

Template without defined recipient roles

  • Since there is no recipient role present in the template, you can configure a minimum of one to maximum of three recipients before sending the GetAccept Document.

If you have selected sending Chargebee quote as a GetAccept Document,

  • You can have a minimum of one to maximum of three recipients.

Tracking updates after sending 

Based on the action taken by the customer on the GetAccept Document, the quote status is updated in Chargebee. These statuses are:

  • Signed by all signers/approvers → Quote status changes to Accepted in Chargebee

  • Rejected by one or more signers/approvers → Quote status changes to Declined in Chargebee

Also, you can find out the GetAccept Document status from the Integrations section in the quote details page.

Unlinking Integration 

You can unlink the integration by clicking Unlink Integration button in the GetAccept integration home page. Ensure there are no pending documents to be signed by recipients as the GetAccept reference is lost on unlinking the integration.

Quotes that had an associated GetAccept document that were accepted or rejected, will still have its reference.

Limitations of the integration 

Here are some limitations of the Chargebee-GetAccept integration:

  • This integration only supports linking of one GetAccept template.
  • When the receiver takes no action, the GetAccept Document expires. This does not automatically move the associated Chargebee quote's status to CLOSED. We are working actively on supporting this feature.

Field mapping 

Here are the fields which are by mapped between Chargebee and GetAccept by default:

Description GetAccept field Chargebee field 
Name of the Document name
Total payable amount value quote.total_payable
Quote expiry date
Third-party system reference ID external_id

Below is a list of additional Chargebee fields which can be mapped to the labeled empty text fields of the GetAccept template:

Chargebee field
ID of the Chargebee quote
Name of the Chargebee quote
PO Number po_number
Pricing type used  price_type
Quote validity valid_till
Date of quote creation date
Total payable amount total_payable
Charge amount (in cents) to be paid on accepting the quote charge_on_acceptance
Subtotal (in cents) of the first quote line group. sub_total
Total (in cents) of the first quote line group. total
Credits applied (in cents) for the first quote line group. credits_applied
Existing outstanding payments (in cents) if any, applied to the first quote line group. amount_paid
Amount due (in cents) for the first quote line group. amount_due
Currency code of the currency in quote currency_code
Shipping address shipping_address
Billing address billing_address


Is versioning supported for quotes sent as GetAccept Document?

Quote versioning feature of Chargebee quotes is currently not supported for this integration. If you edit a quote that has already been sent out as a GetAccept Document, you can neither recall it, nor can you change the Chargebee quote's reference to that Document. We recommend you to create a new quote in Chargebee, and send it via GetAccept. Ensure to also manually delete the previously sent document in GetAccept to stop automated follow up emails.

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