
Getting Started Guide 

Welcome to Chargebee Retention! 

Getting up and running with Chargebee Retention (formerly Brightback) is a straightforward process and can usually be completed in a few weeks using the following outline.

1. Why Chargebee Retention 

So you've decided churn is something you want to tackle and you'd like to take it head-on. Chargebee Retention's platform gives you the tools needed to automate a successful retention campaign and gather insights while reducing churn. Once you have implemented Retention in your app, you will be able to easily optimize for increased deflection by providing the right offer to the right person at the right time.

Retention testing methodology

Retention use cases

Testing in Retention

2. Start with an audit 

What offers do you make now? Do you have retention or acquisition offers? What about winback offers? What data will you send to Chargebee Retention? This section aims to determine what offers you'd like to make to your customers as they voluntarily decide to cancel.

Types of data to send to Retention

Creating the perfect offer

3. Build your experiences 

Manage branding and edit your cancel page template. Create offers and loss aversion cards and place them on pages. Set up your targeting.

Creating your first Retention Experiment

Manage the look and feel of your cancel experiences

Edit your template and create new pages

Creating your reasons

Create an offer

Create a loss aversion card

Configure targeting

4. Technical implementation 

Set up integrations with billing and other 3rd party systems, create precancel requests, process cancels and offers, and A/B test against your in-house experience. Configure a custom domain for your cancel page URL.

Estimating engineering time and effort

Integrating with Chargebee Billing

Installing the Chargebee Retention.js Snippet

Connecting your billing platform for processing, enrichment, and attribution

Processing cancels and offers

Using a custom domain for your cancel page URL

5. Go live! 

Now that you've gone live you'll want to start digging into the reporting that Retention offers.

Overview of Chargebee Retention reports

Navigating the dashboard

Retained revenue reporting

Reporting on experience performance

Reporting on offer performance

View customers by cancel page outcome

Removing test sessions from reporting

Frequently Asked Post-Launch Questions 

This article contains the top most frequently asked questions from new customers.


Advanced Concepts 

Now that you are seeing results roll in and evaluating your experiment, consider using audiences to target offers to specific customer segments and adding new offers to your testing framework.

Using the rules editor to create Audiences

Properties and Operators in the rules editor

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