Metric Description
The Metric Description home page serves as a centralized resource for understanding the diverse metrics available within RevenueStory. Each metric provides actionable insights into specific aspects of your business performance. Whether you're analyzing customer retention, tracking revenue trends, or managing billing and collections, this comprehensive repository ensures clarity and consistency in interpreting your data.
To help you navigate easily, the metrics are organized into the following sections:
- Accounting: Metrics related to financial accounting, reconciliation, and reporting.
- Acquisitions: Insights into new customer acquisition and related trends.
- Billing & Taxes: Covers metrics tracking invoicing, billing success, and tax calculations.
- Churn: Provides details on customer cancellations and revenue losses.
- Classic: Metrics from the legacy version of RevenueStory.
- Collections: Tracks payment collection efficiency and outstanding receivables.
- Customer: Focuses on customer demographics, behaviors, and segmentation.
- Customer Insights: Provides deeper analysis of customer behavior, preferences, and engagement trends to inform strategic decision-making.
- Leakage: Highlights revenue leaks due to failed payments or other causes.
- Order: Tracks orders and purchase behavior.
- Premium: Exclusive metrics available to premium plan users.
- Receivable: Focuses on accounts receivable and outstanding invoices.
- Recurring Revenue: Monitors recurring revenue streams and growth.
- Retention: Measures customer retention rates and associated metrics.
- Subscriptions: Provides a breakdown of subscription plans and trends.
- Transactions: Tracks payment and refund activity.