


Approvals on Price Points help you set up a review process for any changes to the prices of your product catalog items, such as plans, addons, or charges. Whenever a new price point is created or an existing one is updated, you can establish an approval process to review the change before it's published in your Billing, Hosted Pages, and connected integrations like your CRM Integration.

How Approvals work on price points 

As a Chargebee site admin, enabling approvals on price points allows you to set an approval chain for the following actions:

  • Set Price Point
  • Edit Price Point
  • Archive Price Point
  • Activate Price Point
  • Delete Price Point

Once you enable approvals, you can use approval rules to assign the same or different approvers for each action.

Approval rules 

The approval rules framework allows you to set different approval chains based on the action or any attribute of the price point, such as currency, billing frequency, or other attributes. You can also set rules based on attributes of the item (plans, addons, or charges) and the product family. Custom fields can be used to set conditions in these approval rules.

  • In the case of a custom field, only numeric fields, dropdown fields, and binary/checkbox fields are supported in approval rule conditions.
  • Only the AND condition is supported during the approval rule configuration.

Approval stages 

Chargebee allows you to set one or more approvers for each action using the approval rules. Within each rule, you can create multiple approval stages. In each stage, you can add one or more approvers and set the approval type for each stage:

  • All approver(s) must approve
  • First responder can approve/reject
  • Just FYI - no action needed

How an approval request is created 

  • Enable approvals and set up approval rules.
  • When someone updates the price of a product catalog item, Chargebee checks for matching approval rules based on the action and price details (like currency, billing frequency, or more).
  • If a rule matches:
    • The update is pending.
    • An approval request is created.
  • If no rule matches:
    • The update action is completed immediately.
  • If an approval request is created:
    • The approval chain or stages from the matching rule are applied.
    • The request includes all necessary details for review and approval.

Learn more about approval creation.

What happens once the approval request is created 

When an approval request is created and In Progress state, the approvers in the first stage are notified. The following are the scenarios of approval based on their selected approval type flow:

  • If the approval type is set to Just FYI - no action needed, the request moves to the next stage immediately.
  • If the approval type is set to All approver(s) must approve, the approval request moves to the next stage only after all approvers have approved it.
  • If the approval type is set to First responder can approve/reject, the approval request moves to the next stage only after any one of the approvers approves it.

When the last stage is approved, the entire approval request moves to the Approved state. If an approver rejects the request at any stage, the entire approval request is marked as Rejected.

Learn more about managing approvals.


  • Approvals on Price Points are available in the Enterprise Plan. Learn more about Chargebee plans.
  • The feature will be available in EAP(Early Adapter Program) from October, 2024.
  • This feature is supported only on Product Catalog version 2.0.
  • Changes to Price Points via API do not trigger Approvals. Approvals are triggered manually via the Chargebee App only.
  • This feature is not supported in Multi Business Entity enabled sites.

Getting started with approvals for price point 

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