
Chargebee Billing Data Centers 

Chargebee offers multiple options for regions where the data for your accounts can be hosted. Powered by Amazon Web Services , a "Region" is composed of multiple data centers clustered within multiple "Availability Zones".

You may select a hosting region based on your data residency requirements which are, in turn, derived from the data protection regulations in your location of incorporation and the location(s) of your customer base.

Selecting a hosting region 

When creating a Chargebee account , you can choose one of three data hosting regions: AU, US, or EU. The screenshot below shows how to select the hosting region:

The data for both Live and Test sites of the account is hosted in the selected region. To change the hosting region for an account after signing up, create a Support ticket  and we'll get back to you.


All data in the Chargebee account is lost while changing its hosting region.


If you wish to use Chargebee across multiple regions, create a separate Chargebee account in each of the desired regions.

Hosting region locations 

This section specifies the AWS Region  used for each hosting region offered by Chargebee.

United States (US) hosting region 

For the US, the AWS Region is US East (N. Virginia).

European Union (EU) hosting region 

For the EU, the AWS Region is EU (Frankfurt).

Feature Compatibility

Australia (AU) hosting region 

For Australia, the AWS Region is Asia Pacific (Sydney).

Feature Compatibility

What's stored in the data centers? 

  • The data seen on the Chargebee web application.
  • The data returned by our APIs.
  • The Hosted Pages that are available to your customer. This includes - Checkout and Self-Serve Portal.
  • The data stored by the third-party integrations supported by Chargebee.

If you use integrations  that are not built by Chargebee, contact their developers to understand their data hosting options.

Logging into Chargebee 

When logging into Chargebee, make sure to select the hosting region relevant to your site. You only have to make this choice once on your browser, as we store your region choice via cookies. Below are the region-specific URLs for logging in:

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