This metric measures the total number of subscription signups.
Explanation of metric
This metric tracks the number of registrations over a specific period. It includes both trend analysis and point-in-time indicators. The trend line shows the number of signups during a period, while the point-in-time KPI indicates the number of signups in the current period, variance with the previous period, and percentage change across the current and previous periods. This metric helps understand user acquisition and growth.
How it's measured
Total Signups
= Total number of registrations during the period.
An upward trend in Total Signups indicates growth in committed revenue and a positive acquisition trend.
Increasing signups directly correlate with revenue growth. Signups are a key indicator of the health of acquisition sources and overall business growth.
In a given month, a SaaS company recorded a total of 1,500 subscription signups across different acquisition sources. Here's a breakdown of the data and how it was reported:
Source A:
Source B:
Source C:
Total Signups: 400
Total Signups for the period: 600 (Source A) + 500 (Source B) + 400 (Source C) = 1,500
This metric measures the total number of subscription signups segmented by days of the week.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the number of signups for each day of the week during a specified period. It helps visualize trends and patterns in user signups across different days in a week, aiding in understanding weekly performance variations.
How it's measured
Total Signups by Day of the Week
= Total number of signups segmented by day of the week during a period.
An upward trend in Total Signups by Day of the Week indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights days with increasing signup activity.
This metric is crucial for understanding which day of the week attracts the most signups. It helps optimize marketing strategies and campaign scheduling by identifying peak days for user acquisition. Aligning marketing efforts with high-signup days can enhance engagement and conversion rates, ultimately boosting revenue.
In a given period, the signups are as follows:
The Total Signups by Acquisition Channel metric measures the total number of subscription signups segmented by Acquisition Channel.
Explanation of metric
This metric breaks down the total number of signups acquired during a period for each Acquisition Channel. The data is typically presented in a table format, providing a detailed view of the effectiveness of different acquisition channels.
This feature is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric efficiently, you must configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Acquisition Channel in RevenueStory. You can configure and select your values in this custom field. To enable this metric, contact support
How it's measured
Total Signups by Acquisition Channel
= Total number of signups during the period per acquisition channel.
Reported based on the earliest date out of the subscription start date, activation date, in trial start date, and creation date.
An upward trend in Total Signups by Acquisition Channel indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights effective acquisition channels.
When signups from a particular acquisition channel are high, it indicates that the channel is effective and worth pursuing. A high subscription-to-signups rate from a specific channel positively reflects on key metrics such as New Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), Average Revenue Per Paying Subscription (ARPPS), and Customer Lifetime Value (LTV). Monitoring this metric helps in optimizing marketing strategies and focusing resources on the most effective channels.
In a given period, the signups are as follows:
The Total Signups by Business Type metric measures the total number of subscription signups segmented by business type.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the number of signups for each business type during a specified period. It helps visualize trends and patterns in user signups across different business types, aiding in understanding which types of businesses are most interested in your product or service.
This feature is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric efficiently, you must configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Business Type field in RevenueStory. You can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values relevant to your business. To enable this metric, contact support .
How it's measured
Total Signups by Business Type
= Total number of subscriptions signed up during the period per Business Type.
Reported based on the earliest date out of the subscription start date, activation date, trial start date, and creation date.
An upward trend in Total Signups by Business Type indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights business types with increasing signup activity.
Track signups from specific business types to identify those interested in the product or service. High signups from a particular business type indicate an excellent product-market fit.
In a given period, the signups are as follows:
The Total Signups by Customer Type metric measures the total number of subscription signups segmented by Customer Type.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the number of signups for each Customer Type during a specified period. It helps in visualizing trends and patterns in user signups across different customer types, aiding in understanding which customer segments are most interested in your product or service.
This feature is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric efficiently, you must configure a custom field at the customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the customer type field in RevenueStory. You can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values relevant to your business. To enable this,contact support .
How it's measured
Total Signups by Customer Type
= Count of subscriptions signed up during the period per Customer Type.
Reported based on the earliest date out of the subscription start date, activation date, trial start date, and creation date.
An upward trend in Total Signups by Customer Type indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights customer types with increasing signup activity.
If signups continue to increase from a particular customer type, it suggests a strong alignment with that segment. This insight can guide you to focus your marketing efforts on that segment, tailor your product roadmap to meet their needs and convert them into long-term customers. Understanding which customer types are driving growth helps in optimizing marketing strategies and product offerings.
In a given period, the signups are as follows:
The Total Activations metric measures the total number of subscriptions activated during a particular period, including trial conversions.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a trend line depicting the number of subscriptions activated during the period. It includes all new activations but excludes any subscribers who stopped using the service in the past and reactivated during this period. This metric helps you understand the effectiveness of your activation process and the overall growth in active subscribers.
How it's measured
Total Activations
= Total number of subscriptions activated during the period.
Only the first activation date is considered. Reactivations are not considered.
An upward trend in Total Activations indicates growth in committed revenue and an effective activation process.
An increase in the number of activations contributes directly to revenue growth. In the lead conversion process, sign-ups and activations are two critical steps. If the variance between sign-ups and activations is too high, it is recommended to identify drop-off points and optimize the conversion funnel. Monitoring this metric helps in understanding the efficiency of your activation strategy and its impact on overall business growth.
If 100 new subscriptions are activated during the period, it can be referred to as 100 activations.
So, Total Activations = 100
The Total Activations by Plan metric measures the total number of subscriptions activated during a particular period, including trial conversions, segmented by Plan.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the total number of subscriptions activated during the period, segmented by plans. Each vertical bar subcategorizes subscriptions based on the plan, grouping and stacking subscriptions with similar plans activated during the same period. This metric helps visualize the performance of various plans.
How it's measured
Total Activations by Plan
= Total number of Subscription Activations during the period per Plan
An upward trend in Total Activations by Plan indicates growth in committed revenue and the effectiveness of the respective plans.
This metric helps in understanding the performance of various plans. It provides insights into which plans are most popular and effective in driving activations. If the signup-to-activation rate is very low for certain plans, it may indicate a need to evaluate product offerings, plan pricing, marketing strategies, or the onboarding experience. Monitoring this metric helps optimize plans and marketing efforts to improve business growth.
In a given period, the activation of subscriptions by plan is as follows:
25 Subscriptions activated for Plan A
35 Subscriptions activated for Plan B and so on.
The Total Activations by Acquisition Channel metric measures the total number of activated subscriptions, including trial conversions, segmented by Acquisition Channel.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a table breaking down the number of subscriptions activated during a specific period by the Acquisition Channel. It excludes any subscribers who stopped using the product or service in the past and reactivated during this period. This metric helps understand which acquisition channels are most effective at activating.
This feature is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric efficiently, you must configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Acquisition Channel field in RevenueStory. You can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values relevant to your business. To enable this metric, contact support .
How it's measured
Total Activations by Acquisition Channel
= Total count of Subscription activated during the period per Customer's Acquisition Channel.
An upward trend in Total Activations by Acquisition Channel indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights effective acquisition channels.
Activation by Acquisition Channel helps determine the revenue earned from each channel. It is a crucial metric for measuring the performance of different acquisition channels. By analyzing this metric, you can identify which channels are most effective at converting leads into active subscribers and optimize your acquisition strategies accordingly.
In a given period, the activations are as follows:
The Total Activations by Sales Agent metric measures the total number of activated subscriptions, including trial conversions, segmented by Sales Agent.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the total number of subscriptions activated during the period, segmented by each Sales Agent. Each vertical bar groups and stacks subscriptions activated by the same Sales Agent, allowing you to visualize the performance of individual agents.
This feature is available with RevenueStory (RS) premiumonly. To use this metric efficiently, you must configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Sales Agent field in RevenueStory. You can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values relevant to your business. To enable this metric, contact support .
How it's measured
Total Activations by Sales Agent
= Total number of subscription activations during the period per customer sales agent.
Only the first activation date is considered. Subsequent reactivations are not considered.
An upward trend in Total Activations by Sales Agent indicates growth in committed revenue and highlights the effectiveness of Sales Agents in converting leads into active customers.
This metric provides insights into the efficiency of individual Sales Agents in converting potential leads into active customers. By analyzing this data, you can identify high-performing agents and those needing further development. It helps optimize sales strategies and improve overall team performance.
In a given period, the roll-up of subscriptions by Sales Agent is as follows:
The percentage of total subscription trials started during the period that are currently active.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart depicting the percentage of trials converted to paid subscriptions during the period. A point-in-time KPI is also available, showing the percentage of total trial subscriptions in the current period, along with variance from the previous period and percentage change across both periods.
How it's measured
Trial Conversion Rate
= (Number of subscription trials that started during the period and are currently Active) / (Total number of subscription trials that started during the period) × 100
Only the current status of subscriptions is considered for trial conversion. Therefore, a subscription that was converted from trial to active and then canceled may not be considered for the trial conversion rate metric as its current status will be canceled.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue and suggests that more trial users are converting to paid subscriptions.
This metric helps measure the effectiveness of the trial period in converting users to paid subscriptions, reflecting the product's value and the users' readiness to pay. It also evaluates the performance of the trial conversion process. A high conversion rate indicates successful trials and strong user interest, while a low conversion rate may necessitate a review of the trial process, product features, or pricing strategies.
The Trial Conversion Rate by Plan measures the percentage of total subscription trials started during the currently active period, segmented by plan.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the percentage of total subscription trials started during the currently active period, segmented by each plan. A point-in-time KPI is also available, displaying the percentage of total trial subscriptions by currently active plan, with variance from the previous period and percentage change across both periods.
How it's measured
Trial Conversion Rate by Plan
= [(Number of subscription trials that started during the period and are currently Active) / (Total number of subscription trials that started during the period)] x 100 per plan.
An upward trend in Trial Conversion Rate by Plan indicates growth in committed revenue and suggests that trials for specific plans are more successful in converting to paid subscriptions.
This metric helps assess the effectiveness of trials for different plans, reflecting how well each plan converts trial users into paying customers. It provides insights into which plans have higher conversion rates and might be more attractive to users. Analyzing this data can help optimize product offerings and trial strategies to improve conversion rates.
In a given period:
The Total Subscription Trials metric measures the total number of trial subscriptions during a specific period.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart depicting the total number of subscriptions in the trial state over time. A point-in-time KPI is also available, which shows the number of subscriptions in the trial state during the current period. It includes the change in the number of trial subscriptions compared to previous periods and the percentage change across both periods.
How it's measured
Total Subscriptions Trials
= Number of subscriptions in trial status during the period.
There are no specific upward or downward trend indications.
Subscriptions in the trial state represent potential leads interested in the product. If any trial subscriptions are not converting to paid subscriptions, it may indicate a need to better understand customer requirements and optimize the trial conversion process. Enhancing the trial experience to demonstrate the product's value can help convert trial users to paying customers more efficiently. This metric aids in identifying opportunities to shorten the trial-to-paid conversion time.
In a given period, if 500 subscriptions were in trial status, then total subscription trials = 500.
The New Trial Subscriptions metric measures the total number of trial subscriptions that started during the specified period.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a trend line depicting the total number of new trials initiated during the period. A point-in-time KPI is also available, showing the total number of new trials added or signed up in the current period, the variance from the previous period, and the percentage change across both periods.
How it's measured
New Trial Subscriptions
= Total number of trial subscriptions that started during the period.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue and suggests that more new leads are being generated through trials.
New trial subscriptions are crucial for understanding how healthy customers are introduced to the product or service. This metric helps evaluate the effectiveness of customer onboarding processes, marketing campaigns, and incentive programs. Analyzing new trial data can provide insights into lead generation success and the potential for converting these trials into paid subscriptions.
In Q3, a SaaS company recorded 2,300 new trial subscriptions across various marketing channels:
Direct Website Signups:
These signups came directly from the company's website.
Social Media Campaigns:
This was attributed to a targeted campaign that increased engagement and trial starts.
Referral Program:
These trials were a result of the company's customer referral incentive program.
Total New Trial Subscriptions for the period: 1,200 (Website) + 700 (Social Media) + 400 (Referrals) = 2,300
This metric measures the total number of trial subscriptions that started during the specified period, segmented by plan.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart that shows the total number of new trial subscriptions during the period, broken down by plan. Each vertical bar in the chart segments the trial subscriptions by plan, clearly showing which plans generate the most trials.
How it's measured
New Trial Subscriptions by Plan
= Total number of TRIAL Subscriptions that started during the period per Plan.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue and suggests that more new trials are being generated for specific plans.
This metric provides insight into the performance of different plans by showing how many new trials are initiated for each plan. It helps evaluate the effectiveness of plan-specific marketing campaigns, customer onboarding processes, and incentive programs. Tracking new trials by plan can reveal which plans are more attractive to new users and assist in optimizing the trial experience to improve conversion rates.
In Q2, a SaaS company recorded a total of 5,500 new trial subscriptions segmented across two main plans:
Startup Plan:
This plan is tailored for small businesses and early-stage startups, and it attracted a steady number of new trials, largely through targeted ads on small business forums and partnerships with startup incubators.
Scale Plan:
This plan is designed for growing businesses with larger budgets and needs. It saw a significant number of new trials, driven by a promotional discount and a webinar series highlighting advanced features.
Startup Plan: 1,300
Scale Plan: 4,200
The Total New MRR metric measures the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions acquired during a specific period.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart depicting the Monthly Recurring Revenue earned from new subscriptions. A point-in-time KPI is also available, indicating the current period's New MRR, the variance from the previous period, and the percentage change across both periods.
How it's measured
Total New MRR
= Total MRR from New Subscriptions
This includes subscriptions that are converted from IN TRIAL to Paid and Future scheduled activations. Reactivations within the same activation period are also considered.
An upward trend in New MRR indicates growth in committed revenue and suggests successful acquisition and conversion of new subscriptions.
New MRR is a critical metric for understanding the impact of new subscriptions on Monthly Recurring Revenue. It highlights how new customer acquisitions contribute to revenue growth. If New MRR and Expansion MRR are less than Churn, it signals a shrinking MRR. Conversely, higher New MRR and Expansion MRR than Churn indicate MRR growth.
In a given period 65 new subscriptions were created for Plan A at $15/month
So the New MRR = (65x15) = $975
The Total New MRR by Country metric measures the total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by country.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart that shows the total MRR from new subscriptions during the period, broken down by country. Each vertical bar in the chart is segmented by country to illustrate the revenue contribution from each location.
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Country
= Total MRR from New subscriptions per country
Only the MRR of new subscriptions is considered.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue from specific countries, suggesting effective market penetration or increased demand in those regions.
This metric helps identify and optimize the growth of New MRR by country. By understanding the revenue generated from new subscriptions in different countries, you can better allocate resources, tailor marketing strategies, and enhance your approach to different markets.
In a given period, the Total MRR of new subscriptions per country = $3,000
The Total New MRR by Plan metric measures the total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by plan.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart showing the total MRR from new subscriptions for each plan during the period. Each bar represents the revenue generated from new subscriptions categorized by plan.
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Plan
= Total MRR of the new subscriptions created during the period per plan
Includes IN TRIAL to Paid and Future Scheduled Activations. Reactivations within the same Activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates positive growth and suggests more revenue is generated from new subscriptions for specific plans.
This metric helps identify which plans attract new customers and generate the most revenue. Analyzing New MRR by Plan can provide insights into which features or pricing tiers appeal most to prospective customers, aiding in decisions regarding pricing strategies or plan adjustments.
In a given period:
The Total New MRR by Business Type metric measures the total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by business type.
Explanation of metric
This metric is represented by a chart that shows the total MRR from new subscriptions for each business type (e.g., E-Commerce, SaaS, Ed Tech) during the period. Each bar in the chart is divided into segments representing different business types to illustrate their revenue contributions.
This is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more efficiently, configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Business Type field to a Customer resource in RevenueStory. However, you can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Business Type
= Total MRR of New Subscriptions created during the period per Business Type
This includes to be updated and future scheduled activations. Reactivations within the same activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates increased revenue from specific business types, signaling effective market penetration and customer interest.
This metric highlights which business types generate the most revenue from new subscriptions. It helps identify high-growth sectors and tailor strategies to enhance growth.
In a given period:
Total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by acquisition channel.
Explanation of metric
A table displays the revenue earned from new subscriptions during the period, segmented by acquisition channel (e.g., Search Engine Marketing, Social Media, Direct). Each row represents a different acquisition channel, showing its contribution to the total MRR.
This is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more efficiently, configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Acquisition Channel field to a Customer resource in RevenueStory. However, you can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Acquisition Channel
= Total MRR of New Subscriptions per Acquisition Channel
This includes to be updated and future scheduled activations. Reactivations within the same activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates increased revenue from specific acquisition channels, reflecting their effectiveness in generating new business.
This metric helps identify which acquisition channels most effectively generate revenue from new subscriptions. Focusing on high-performing channels can optimize marketing strategies and resource allocation.
In a given period:
Total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by sales agent.
Explanation of metric
A chart displays each sales agent's contribution to new recurring revenue during the period. Each bar represents the revenue generated by individual sales agents from new subscriptions.
This is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more efficiently, configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Sales Agent field to a Customer resource in RevenueStory. However, you can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Sales Agent
= Total MRR of New Subscriptions created during the period per Sales Agent
This includes to be updated and future scheduled activations. Reactivations within the same activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates effective sales performance and growth in committed revenue.
This metric helps identify top-performing sales agents based on their contribution to new MRR. It helps evaluate individual sales performance and optimize sales strategies. Consider analyzing this metric alongside retention rates for a comprehensive view of sales effectiveness.
In a given period:
Total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by Plan Group.
Explanation of metric
A chart represents the Monthly Recurring Revenue earned from new subscriptions for each Plan Group (e.g., Freemium, Launch, Enterprise) during the period.
This is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more efficiently, configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Plan group to a Customer resource in RevenueStory. However, you can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Plan Group
= Total MRR of New Subscriptions created during the period per Plan Group.
This includes to be updated and future scheduled activations. Reactivations within the same activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates effective performance and growth in committed revenue.
This metric helps you understand which Plan Groups (or tiers) resonate the most with prospective customers. Analyzing MRR by Plan Group is valuable for assessing the appeal and effectiveness of different plans or add-ons. It can guide pricing, plan adjustments, and marketing strategies.
In a given period:
Total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) earned from new subscriptions, segmented by Customer Type.
Explanation of metric
A chart represents the Monthly Recurring Revenue earned from new subscriptions for each Customer Type, such as a Small Business, Enterprise, or Individual, during the specified period.
This is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more efficiently, configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Customer Type to a Customer resource in RevenueStory. However, you can configure and select your values in this custom field. It is recommended to configure meaningful values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New MRR by Customer Type
= Total MRR of New Subscriptions created during the period per Customer Type
This includes IN TRIAL to Paid and FUTURE Scheduled Activations. Reactivations within the same Activation period are also considered.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue.
New MRR from a specific Customer Type reveals interest and engagement among different customer segments. This metric helps identify which Customer Types contribute most significantly to revenue growth, guiding marketing strategies, product development, and sales focus.
In a given period:
Summary of activations categorized based on the time taken to activate a subscription post-signup.
Explanation of metric
A table displays the distribution of activations over the last 12 months, segmented into various time buckets based on the duration from signup to activation. Time buckets might include ranges such as 0-7 days, 8-30 days, and so on, based on the signup date.
How it's measured
Activation Lead Time Summary
= Total number of subscriptions segmented by the time taken for activation after sign up.
Signup is considered to be a minimum of the creation date, activation date, and first invoice date.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue.
A rise in this metric indicates that users may take longer to recognize the product's value, leading to a delay in activation. If the time to activate increases, users might need more time to fully appreciate the product's value or experience hurdles in onboarding. This information can improve the activation process and reduce the time for new customers to use the product fully.
If a summary shows:
50 subscriptions activated within 0-7 days
100 subscriptions activated within 8-30 days
25 subscriptions activated in more than 30 days
This breakdown helps identify how quickly new customers engage with the product after signup.
Average number of days taken to activate a subscription post-signup.
Explanation of metric
A point-in-time KPI representing the average duration required to activate a subscription after the initial signup. This metric also shows changes in the activation lead time from the previous period and the percentage change across different periods.
How it's measured
Average Activation Lead Time
= Average number of days to activate a subscription in a year.
A downward trend suggests a decrease in lead time, which is favorable and indicates improvements.
A decrease in the average activation lead time is beneficial as it indicates that users quickly understand and engage with the product. This metric reflects the efficiency of the onboarding process and the clarity of the product's value proposition. Reducing lead time simplifies the user journey from trial to paid subscription, enhancing customer experience and reducing early-stage churn and same-month cancellations. Conversely, an increase in lead time suggests users struggle to realize the product's value, necessitating improvements in the onboarding process or simplifying plans and pricing.
Suppose the average activation lead time in the current period is 10 days, compared to 12 days in the previous period. In that case, this indicates a positive trend in reducing the time taken to activate subscriptions.
Total number of new paid subscriptions.
Explanation of metric
A trend line depicts the count of new paid subscriptions acquired during a specific period. This includes subscriptions that converted from free trials to paid plans and entirely new subscriptions that started as paid plans.
How it's measured
Total New Paid Subscriptions
= Count of Paid Subscriptions created during the period.
Includes IN TRIAL to Paid and Future scheduled activations.
An upward trend suggests growth in committed revenue.
New Paid Subscriptions are a strong indicator of business growth. An increase in this metric reflects successful customer acquisition and conversion strategies. Consistent growth in new paid subscriptions indicates that the business is progressing positively and implementing effective strategies.
If ten new subscriptions are created as paid during a given period, this number represents the total new paid subscriptions for that period.
Total number of newly activated paid subscriptions segmented by Customer Type.
Explanation of metric
A chart displays the number of new paid subscriptions acquired during a specific period, segmented by Customer Type. This includes conversions from free trials to paid subscriptions and new subscriptions paid from the start.
This metric is available with RevenueStory (RS) premium only. To use this metric more effectively, you must configure a custom field at the Customer resource level in Chargebee and map it to the Customer Type field in RevenueStory. It is recommended to select values that are relevant to your business. For assistance, contact support .
How it's measured
Total New Paid Subscriptions by Customer Type
= Total number of New paid subscriptions created during the period per Customer Type.
An upward trend indicates growth in committed revenue.
Tracking new paid subscriptions by Customer Type helps identify customer segments that most engage and convert effectively. This insight allows to tailor your messaging and strategies to engage the most valuable customer types better.
In a given period: