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Vanity Metrics Bar 

When you navigate to the Home page of your Chargebee site, the bar on top displays the following key metrics at a quick glance:

Total MRR 

Total MRR is calculated from all subscriptions in Active and Non-Renewing status as of date. Non-recurring addons and coupons are included based on configurations. Refunds, taxes, and adhoc charges are not included.

Total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the predictable recurring revenue earned from subscriptions in a specific period. As the name indicates, MRR is calculated for a monthly "duration". The MRR amount shown on the dashboard is a total of all your subscriptions' MRR.
Click here to know more about MRR.

Total Active Subscriptions 

Total Active Subscriptions is the total number of subscriptions in ACTIVE or NON RENEWING status as of date. It includes Active and non-renewing subscriptions in both paid and unpaid plans.

The Active Subscriptions give you a glance at the total number of subscriptions that are active as of a specific period, in both paid and unpaid plans. Active subscriptions are charged based on the plan, add-ons, and billing period. When your business is in its early stages, this is the number you should be chasing when optimizing for the highest growth potential.

Net Billing earlier known as Net Revenue 

Net billing is the total value of invoices generated during a specific period after excluding the value of associated credit notes. These are reported based on Invoice and credit note date.


If you are on the Classic dashboard the Net Billing is defined as:

  • The total value of invoices generated as of date excluding the credit notes issued.
  • These are reported based on Invoice and credit note date. Taxes are excluded.

Net Billings means all amounts invoiced regarding the sale of products provided to a customer, less substantial discounts, credits, refunds, and allowances made. It is the aggregate of all amounts billed on the sales of any and all services and products and all revenues and other income from whatever source derived.

Net Payments 

Net payments are the total value of payments received as of date, excluding refunds processed.
It is reported based on Payment and Refund transaction dates. Only successful payments and refunds are included.


If you are on the Classic dashboard the Net payments are defined as:

  • The total value of payments received as of date excluding the payment reversals and refunds processed. Reported as on date based on Payment, Payment reversals date, and Refund date.
  • Only successful payments, payment reversals, and refunds are included.

"Net" means that the total amount is due for payment. A payment received from a customer is processed with no notation regarding the invoice and refund.

Unpaid Invoices 

The total number of invoices in ‘Payment Due' and ‘Not Paid' states and their associated value as of date.

An unpaid invoice is the same thing as an outstanding invoice. When an invoice is sent to a customer but not paid by the due date, it is considered an outstanding or unpaid invoice.
In simple terms, it is a payment that a customer has yet to pay. You may send out an outstanding invoice before the actual payment due date so that you can collect the payment on time. A past due invoice is a payment that a customer has yet to pay and past the due date.Taxes are excluded.

Expected Revenue 

Expected Revenue is the Revenue that is expected to be received during the period. It includes Received and Expected Revenue from upcoming renewals as of date.
Trial conversions and future activations with card and payment due invoices are optional.

Expected Revenue delivers a reliable forecast of future sales in many companies. It is the Revenue expected from trial and future subscriptions. The term "expected revenue" refers to the forecast amount of money the company will earn from sales, services, and additional income streams. "Revenue" includes all money earned before it is divided into salaries, marketing payments, expenses, and so forth. Setting an expected revenue figure helps sales and increases the overall Revenue.Taxes are excluded.

  • Expected Revenue this month - Revenue expected to be received this month.
  • Expected Revenue last month - Revenue expected in the last month.
  • Expected revenue today - Revenue expected to be received today.

Received Revenue 

Received revenue is the income received from sales of goods or the provision of services. In accounting, the terms "sales" and "revenue" are used interchangeably to mean the same thing.


Your received revenue metric now refers to the net cash flow received for your business and excludes the refunds (if any) processed for your site. As a result you may see a drop in your received revenue metric going forward.

  • Received revenue this month -
    Actual revenue received this month = (Total value of payments received) - (Total value of refunds processed) during this month as on date. Reported based on the payment transaction date or settlement date if available and refund transaction date.
  • Received revenue last month - Actual revenue received last month = (Total value of payments received during the last month). R reported based on the payment date.
  • Received revenue today - Actual revenue received today = (Total value of payments received) - (Total value of refunds processed) today. Reported based on the payment transaction date or settlement date if available and refund transaction date.


The total number of subscriptions signed up during the period. Reported based on the earliest date out of the subscription start date, activation date, trial start date, and creation date.

Sign up simply means to register. It means you have to register to become a registered user of an account. Sign up is a phrase referring to the creation of an online account using an e-mail address or a username and password. Once someone has signed up for a service, they can access their account by logging in.

  • Signups this month- The total number of subscriptions signed up this month. The count of the number of customers who have signed up for an account in the current month.
  • Signups last month -The count of the number of customers who have signed up for an account in the last month.
  • Signups Today - The total number of subscriptions signed up today.
  • Signups Yesterday - The total number of signups acquired in the previous day.

All the reports include aggregate data of previous and current months (till date) and the charts are plotted using a daily aggregate of individual data points.

Total Billing earlier known as Sales 

This chart displays the total value of invoices generated during the period. Reported based on Invoice date. Taxes are included whereas voided and pending invoices are not included.

New Billing earlier known as New Sales  

This chart displays the total value of first-time invoices of a subscription during the period. Reported based on the date of first-time invoices for a subscription. Taxes, voided, and pending invoices are not included.


If you are on the Classic dashboard the New Billing is defined as:The total value of first-time recurring invoices generated during the period.
Reported based on Invoice date. Taxes are excluded. Voided invoices are not included. Pending invoices are not included.


This chart displays the total value of payments received during the period. Reported based on the payment transaction date. Only successful payments are included. Refunds, if any, are NOT factored in for this calculation.


If you are on the Classic dashboard the Payments is defined as:

  • The total value of payments received excluding payment reversals processed during the period.
  • Reported based on payment transaction date and payment reversals date.
  • Only successful payments and payment reversals are included.

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