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PAID, subscription, lifetime, acquisition, channel, metric, revenuestory, RS

What is Paid Subscription Lifetime by Acquisition Channel metric in RevenueStory?

Subscription lifetime is measured as an inverse of the last 3 months churn average.








What is Paid Subscription Lifetime by Acquisition Channel metric in RevenueStory?

What is Paid Subscription Lifetime by Acquisition Channel metric in RevenueStory? 

An estimate of the total value of a paid subscription through its lifetime segmented by acquisition channel.

Explanation of metric

This is the average lifetime of a paid subscription in months for each acquisition channel. It is calculated as the inverse of average paid subscription churn for the last three months.

How it's measured

Subscription lifetime is measured as an inverse of the last 3 months churn average.


Up: Good


This metric indicates how long your customers from each acquisition channel stay with you on average. Every month, whenever a customer stays with you, it comes as additional revenue. You can grow this number by controlling your churn. Subscription lifetime can also be calculated for the overall customer base. However, in this case, it is done only for paid subscriptions. Churn is usually higher in the non-paying customer segment. Hence overall subscription lifetime could be misleading.

Click here to know about other metrics.

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