How to create filter in RevenueStory report?
Navigate to RevenueStory > Metric Explorer > Subscription > Average Revenue Per Paid Subscription and click on all customers filter and you will find the list of filters
Custom (Premium)
Choose the desired filter to view the respective report.
Open Average Revenue Per Paid Subscription on Revenue Story
You will be notified to Add this metric as a KPI or as a Chart as per your business needs. You can select the metric and click 'Add'.
Note: KPI provides you multiple Billing frequency and two types of period comparison however Chart provides you only two types of Billing Frequency. The default Billing Frequency for KPI and Chart is Monthly.
Now, in order to refer the data for specific subscriptions, once you add the Metric on the dashboard click on the filter displayed as 'All Customers'
You will find the list of filters to segregate reports as per your requirements and they are
Custom (Premium)
We need to select Products > Current Plan Name > 'In' > Plan name > Apply
By this, you can filter the report by specific plans/subscriptions. You can also download the report in csv format.
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