
Site Configuration Articles & FAQ

roles, site users, users








Access levels of different user roles in Chargebee

Access levels of different user roles in Chargebee 

You can add multiple users to your Chargebee account for performing different tasks such as members from the finance team, sales team or support team.

However, all these users might not need complete access to your account and you might want to restrict certain pages from these users. Chargebee provides different user roles that you can assign to the users to provide different access level to your account.

Navigate to Settings > Team Members to add/delete and modify users of your Chargebee account. Here's the list of roles that are available.

Admin - Full access

Tech Support - User can view “Subscriptions” and “Product Catalog” tabs. Can also view, add comments to, send, download individual Invoices/Credit Notes.

Analyst - In addition to Tech Support level access, the user will have access to the SaaS metrics report.

Sales Agent - In addition to Tech Support level access, the user can change trial end dates and apply discounts on subscriptions.

Customer Support - In addition to Sales Agent level access, the user can perform all actions related to Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, Transactions, and Credit Notes, except deleting.

Sales Manager - User has Customer Support level access and has complete access to coupons and coupon sets.

Finance Executive - User has complete read-only access to the site except for Settings. The user can also export data and add comments.

Besides this, you could also create custom roles for your account with different access options. Here's more on this feature.

Note that the custom roles feature is only available on the Scale Plan and above.

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