
Site Configuration Articles & FAQ

users, plans, additional, Pricing, ChargeBee, site users

Add new user

New users with different access levels can be added on Chargebee.








Can I add additional users to my account?

Can I add additional users to my account? 


How can I share my Chargebee site with my team members?

Is there a restriction on the number of users for a Chargebee site?

While adding a site user, how can I set the access level?

How do I send an invite to a user from the backend?

How do I view the list of pending users in Chargebee?

Removing users

Yes, it is possible to add additional users to your Chargebee site.

  1. Go to Settings » Team Members and click on the Invite Members option.

  2. Enter the email address and you will see the options to provide them complete access to your account or restrict their access depending upon their role in the company. The limits of the access will be shown as you select the “Assign roles” option.

Pending Users

An invite will be sent to this email address. The user will receive an email notification along with a link to activate their account (or create one, if they have not signed up for Chargebee yet). Their account will remain in the Pending Invites list until they activate it. You can view the pending invite by clicking on **“See Pending Invite”

On accepting this invite, the email address will be listed as a site user.

You can remove the user from Settings > Team Members > Remove. Only Admin & Owner will have access to remove users from your Chargebee account.

Note: The number of users allowed on your site will depend on the plan you are on. You can find more information on Chargebee pricing page

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