unarchive, coupon, archived, 2.0, 1.0
How to unarchive a coupon that was accidentally archived?
You can unarchive the coupon by navigating to Product Catalog -> Coupons -> Filter using Coupon stat
How to unarchive a coupon that was accidentally archived?
I recently archived a coupon and I want to put the status back to active
When you delete a coupon that has been redeemed, it becomes archived. This means that it is not completely removed but is in archive mode, and will appear on the list of coupons. Archiving also prevents future usage of the coupon but existing users are not affected.
The same rules of deleting/archiving apply to coupon codes as well.
You can unarchive the coupon by navigating to Product Catalog -> Coupons -> Filter using Coupon status is 'Archived' and clicking on 'Unarchive coupon' button on the coupon action panel.
Note: If you are not seeing this option, then your user role doesn't have access to do it and you have to reach out to your Admin or Owner of the Chargebee site.
Step1: Navigate to the coupons section from the product catalog. Apply the Filter, coupons with Status is 'Archived'.
Step 2: Open the Archived coupon and from the side action panel you shall see an option 'Unarchive coupon'. Click on that to set the coupon active.