
Product Catalog Articles & FAQ

coupons, coupon types, coupon codes, discount, coupons sets








What are coupons sets?

What are coupons sets? 


How to configure coupons that can be used only once by each customer?


Note: If you are PC 2.0/ Product Catalog 2.0 user then please refer this link

Coupon codes can be very useful if you're running campaigns and need a large amount of promo codes. So rather than creating hundreds of coupons in Chargebee, you can create a single coupon, configure its behavior and upload your coupons codes in bulk to it.

Coupon codes are collectively referred to as coupon sets. All the coupon codes in a coupon set will have the same behavior as the main coupon they're linked to.

You can upload your own list of coupon codes in a CSV file by navigating to Product Catalog > Coupon Sets > Upload Coupon Codes.

Click Here to know how to create coupons.

A coupon set will attached to an existing coupon on Chargebee, a coupon code is a unique code that can be used once before it expires, however it will apply discounts as per the master coupon. This functionality can be used restrict customers to reuse a coupon for the second time.

Here's a sample set of coupon codes after the upload:

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