coupon, redeemed, customer, list, report, export
How to find out list of coupon codes redeemed by the customer?
Currently, there is no direct mapping between the customer and coupon ID but you can find the coupon
How to find out list of coupon codes redeemed by the customer?
Export coupons are applied to a subscriptions report.
Where can I see the info of the customers who have subscribed using a certain coupon?
How to filter subscriptions with the specific coupon?
Is there any way to export subscriptions with coupons?
To get a list of Subscriptions which has a specific coupon Applied to them using Filters.
We have a coupon (abcd) that had 2 redemptions, however, I am not able to find the list of Subscriptions associated with it.
You can view, and download the subscription with a specific coupon report using the Advanced filter option from Subscription Index Page. You can also download the report from Settings > Import & Export Data > Export Data > Subscriptions
Note: Currently, there is no direct mapping between the customer and coupon ID but you can find the coupon redemptions from SubscriptionCoupons.csv file (export the Export Subscription CSV) which provides the number of redemptions of coupons Id has taken place against subscription Id.
You can view, and download the Subscription with specific coupon report using the Advanced filter option.
Navigate from Subscription Index Page > Filter list > Subscription > Coupons > Contains only. Then you can 'Save filter' for future reference.
Note: On the recent UI enhancement you can now scroll the index pages - Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, and Credit Notes vertically. Earlier, the pages will be paginated which may prolong your search however with the new enhancement as you scroll down the list it will load all other data in a single page as highlighted below on the screenshot. Refer to this link for more information.
Once you update the filter, you can download the report as a CSV file by clicking on Export.
Navigate to Settings > Import & Export Data > Export Data > Subscription > Coupons > Contains only
You can also export it as a CSV file from the 'Export' option.
A zip folder will be downloaded with 6 files and SubscriptionCoupons.csv file will have the required details as shown below.
This will have Subscription Id, Coupon Id, Coupon Code Id, No. of redemptions & Apply till. If you prefer to match this with the other Subscription details, you can refer to Subscriptions.csv file by performing vlooup formula using Subscription ID.