mapping, existing, customer, ChargeBee, xero, netsuite, QBO, quickbook
How to map existing customers in Chargebee to existing customers in Xero/Quickbooks/NetSuite?
It is possible to map existing customers on the Chargebee site to existing customers present in your
How to map existing customers in Chargebee to existing customers in Xero/Quickbooks/NetSuite?
What are the steps to map existing customer records in Chargebee to records in Xero or Quickbook or Netsuite?
Is it possible to map existing customers in Chargebee to records present in my accounting system?
I need to map customers to xero
It is possible to map existing customers on the Chargebee site to existing customers present in your accounting system (Xero, Quickbook, or Netsuite).
In order to do this, you will need to share the customer IDs in your Chargebee site and the customers' Internal IDs in your accounting system and fill it in the template given, and share the CSV with We will do the mapping from the back end.
You need to get the customer ID of the customer record in Chargebee and the internal ID of the customer record in your accounting system.
Here's where you can find the Chargebee customer ID:
To find the customer's internal ID in the accounting system, you need to go to the customer record in the accounting tool and you will find the internal ID of the customer in the URL. Here's an example from Xero.
Once you have the IDs, you need to fill then in the spreadsheet shared below and share the CSV with us so that we can map the customers to the accounting platform manually from the back end.
Please use the below csv file to fill the customer IDs: (refer to the attachments)
Xero: Xero customer mapping.csv
Quickbooks: QBO Customer Mapping.csv
Netsuite: NS Customer Mapping.csv
Note: If you share the internal ID of a customer that is already mapped to another record, the old mapping will be removed and the record will be remapped to the new customer record shared in the file.