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Language, error, folder, unwanted, upload

Language Pack Error: Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder)








Language Pack Error: Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder)

Language Pack Error: Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder) 

This article covers 

Why the error “Language Pack Error: Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder)“?

How to resolve the error “Language Pack Error: Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder)“?


Let us consider the language pack contains nl (language).

This error happens if we upload only the nl folder that contains the Dutch translations instead of the complete language pack.


Example: nl (language)

The errors would show something like this -

3 errors found. You need to fix all errors to proceed.

Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder) in /nl/internal

Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder) in /nl/mandatory

Unwanted folder (Folder other than language folder) in /nl/emails

The issue is seen when you try uploading only the nl folder.(the specific language folder)

You need to upload the complete language pack along with the nl folder that contains the Dutch translations. Download the existing language pack, add the nl folder (or any other specific language folder) with the translations and upload the complete pack.

Note: When you upload only the nl folder, the existing pack will be overwritten by only this folder and you might lose the translations for other languages.  So please ensure that you always upload the entire language pack.

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