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extra, key, error, Language, Pack, upload

“Extra key :” error in the Language pack. How to resolve this?

While uploading the new/updated language pack for a site, you might come across the error message -








“Extra key :” error in the Language pack. How to resolve this?

“Extra key :” error in the Language pack. How to resolve this? 

This article covers 

How to resolve the “Extra key:” error while uploading a language pack?


While uploading the new/updated language pack for a site, you might come across the error message - “Extra key :” where you'll see the directory to which item this error is thrown. If the addons and the plan referenced in the error messages do not exist on your site, you would face this error. You can resolve this error by following the steps given below.


To resolve this, all you have to do is remove the references to these entities from the translation file and upload it again.

For example:
Extra key : in /merchant_i18n_temp/jenny-test_1644863882985/jenny-test16CZbtSwNAKUl1uRD/de/mandatory/addons.csv

From this, we can see that the Addon “Service-Charge-New” is the one throwing this error.

  1. First, confirm whether the addon is deleted or not.
  2. Next, Go to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Languages and download the language pack.
  3. Navigate to the folder as said in the error message - de/mandatory/addons.csv - So, go to DE folder > Mandatory > Addons.csv.
  4. Look out for rows with the entry - “”. Once found, you can simply delete the row and save the file in .csv format.
  5. Similarly, do the same for all the other error messages have your language pack updated without having the deleted item's reference and upload the updated language pack to your site.

The reason for this change is that the language pack will have keys based on the site context.

These extra key error shows up when a user tries to upload an older language pack. When done, you shouldn't be seeing this error anymore.

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