Creating a subscription with a free first month
How to create a subscription with the first month free
How can I set the pricing of my plans to a discounted fee for the first month?
How can I set the pricing of my plans to a discounted fee for the first month?
- Creating a subscription with a free first month
- Discounted fee for the first month of a subscription
- Offering a free period for new subscriptions
In Chargebee, you can set a discounted fee for the first month of a plan using coupons, trial periods and manual discounts.
Here's how you can do it:
- Create a Coupon: In Chargebee, coupons can be configured to offer discounts for specific periods, such as the first month. You can set the discount as a percentage or a flat amount.
- When creating a subscription, you can apply the coupon to ensure the discount is reflected on the first invoice. This can be done through the Checkout Page or via API by using the coupon_id parameter.
- Using trial periods: Trial period can be used to set a discounted fee for the first month of your subscription plans in Chargebee. You can create a plan with a free trial period and use that plan to create your subscriptions.
- For a more tailored approach, you can apply manual discounts directly to specific invoice items or the total amount during subscription creation. This feature can help if you want to avoid creating coupons for one-time use cases.