
Product Catalog Articles & FAQ

create, plan, PC 2.0, Product Catalog 2.0

How to create a plan in PC 2.0?

Click Product Catalog > Plans > + Create Plan.In the Create a New Plan page, click the Product Fami








How to create a Plan and view plan ID in PC 2.0?

How to create a Plan and view plan ID in PC 2.0? 


How to create a plan in Product Catalog 2.0?

How to copy the Plan ID from the plan index page?

What is the new UI enhancement on the Plan ID?


You can create the plan from Product Catalog > Plans > + Create Plan. Also once the plan is created, with the new UI enhancement on PC 2.0, we have cut shot the Plan ID to adjust the width of the column. Also, you can copy the Plan ID by double-clicking or clicking the copy icon.


To create a new plan on your Chargebee site, follow these steps:

  1. Click Product Catalog > Plans > + Create Plan.
  2. In the Create a New Plan page, click the Product Family dropdown and select the product family to which you want to associate the plan.
  3. Specify an Internal Name for the plan that helps you to identify the plan internally. It is the name used to refer to the plan on your Chargebee site.
  4. You can add a Description to include additional details about the plan.
  5. The Plan ID is generated based on the Internal Name that you specify. You can modify this id as required. A plan Id is the unique identifier of the Plan and when a Subscription is created or updated via the API from your application or website.
  6. Select This Plan is metered if you are using the Metered Billing feature in Chargebee to add usage-based charges to subscriptions of this plan. Invoices created for this plan are in a draft state. You can add usage to the subscriptions before closing the invoices. You can additionally override the site settings that you have configured for how you would like Chargebee to process the usage data that you share for this plan. You can select your preferred option to be either the sum of all usage data or the most recent usage data.
  7. Under Customer-Facing Info, you can do the following:
    • Enable the Display in Self-Serve Portal checkbox to make this plan available in the self-serve portal. The Self-serve Portal can be used by your customers to make changes to their subscriptions.
    • Enable the Display in the Checkout checkbox to make this plan available in Checkout. When this setting is enabled, your customers can subscribe to this plan using Checkout.
    • You can specify a Redirect URL for this plan. Chargebee redirects your customers to this URL (say your website or any other page that you specify) once they complete the checkout successfully.
  8. Click Create.

Plan ID is Truncated in Leap UI

Previously the length of the Plan ID was longer, which created blank space in the Plan ID column, leading to a longer table. With the new UI enhancement on PC 2.0, we have cut shot the Plan ID to adjust the width of the column. Also, you can copy the Plan ID by double-clicking or clicking the copy icon.

Refer to this link to know more about the other new UI enhancement of PC 2.0.

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