bluesnap, Integration, Configure, steps, ChargeBee, gateway
How to configure BlueSnap with Chargebee?
Step 1:Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateways, click Add a Gateway and choos
How to configure BlueSnap with Chargebee?
Ensure the criteria given here are met before the integration.
To configure ACH payments via Bluesnap refer to this link & for SEPA payments via Bluesnap refer to this link for more information.
Follow the below steps to configure.
Step 1:
Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateways, click Add a Gateway and choose BlueSnap from the list of payment gateways available.
Step 2:
Provide the API Username and API Password (retrieved from your BlueSnap account ).
Step 3:
Add Spreedly's IP addresses to your BlueSnap account (to the allow-listed IP Addresses). All requests(payment, refund, etc.) invoked from BlueSnap will originate from these IP addresses. Please do make sure that you whitelist the outbound IP Address mentioned here.
Step 4:
Make sure to enable Card Verification and Card Storage based on your need.
The gateway configuration is now complete.