
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

online, refund, offline, credit, note, revert, change








How do I revert back offline refund to an online refund?

How do I revert back offline refund to an online refund? 


How do I revert back offline refund to an online refund?

How to process an offline refund to an online refund that was initiated accidentally?

Do we have an option to transfer the incorrect offline refund to online?


In order to process the recorded offline refund to an online refund, we need to delete the Transaction and the Credit Note issued for the offline refund and then we can revert back to the same payment and process an online refund.

Note: This is applicable only if the initial payment source was online.
With the help of "The line items' billing period on the invoice" settings, the service period for the line items in the credit notes will be the same as their respective billing periods on the invoice.
Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Billing & Invoices > Set default service period for credit note line items. Please refer to this link for more information.


Navigate to Logs » Transactions

(or) you can navigate to the Invoice Details Page then scroll down to the Credit Note Issued section and click on the ellipsis (…) then select Details

Then under the Credit Note detail page, scroll down to the Refunds and Allocations section and click on (…) then select Details

Now, you can click on the 'Delete' button to remove the offline refund.

This refund will be added to the 'Refundable credit Note' which can be used to refund or apply the payments for future transactions.

PC 1.0

PC 2.0

Further, you need to delete the Credit Note from the Invoice details page. Then scroll down to the Credit Note Issued section and click on (…) then select Details

Now, you can delete the Credit note from the ellipsis button.

Finally, you should be able to process an online refund.

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