
Multi Business Entity Articles & FAQ

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Can I create multiple sites under one Chargebee account?

Can I create multiple sites under one Chargebee account? 

This article also answers:

How many sites can I have under one Chargebee account?

how can I access multiple Chargebee sites using one email address?


Yes, you can have multiple Chargebee accounts/sites. Each site will be operated independently from each other and will need to be maintained separately (eg; if you change a setting on one the other site will need to be updated separately).

Note: Each will be treated as a separate account, and billing will be calculated for each account as per usage.

You can create a new Chargebee Site/Account using an email address that is not linked to any existing Chargebee sites. You can use one primary email address to access all your Chargebee sites by inviting the email address to all the sites you need access to. Steps listed below.

To an additional site under one email address:

  1. Click Here to sign up for a new account (with a different email address)
  2. Click the activation link sent to your email address. More on Activate/Claim account process.
  3. You can then invite the email address that will be managing all your Chargebee sites. This can be done under Settings ยป Team Members Invite Members. Learn more.
  4. You can also make the invited user the owner of the new site if needed on the same settings page. Here's how you can do this.

When you log in to Chargebee as the primary user/email, you will see all your Chargebee sites, and you can select the one you want to enter.

If you have any questions on the billing part in case of multiple sites, feel free to contact

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