
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

delete, invoice, credit, note, error, operation, not, supported, deleting

Unable to delete an invoice or a credit note. Error 'This operation is not supported'

These errors typically occur when there is an Adjustment credit note created for that invoice or Ref








Unable to delete an invoice or a credit note. Error 'This operation is not supported'

Unable to delete an invoice or a credit note. Error 'This operation is not supported' 


Error 'This operation is not supported when a credit note is applied on an invoice' while deleting the invoice.

Error 'This operation is not supported when allocations are present.' while deleting credit note.


These errors typically occur when there is an Adjustment credit note created for that invoice or Refund and Allocation is available for that credit note. Hence, you need to delete the credit note allocated to this invoice first before deleting the invoice & delete the Refunds and Allocations with this invoice before deleting the credit note.

Note: This applies to invoices at 'Posted, Payment due & Not paid' status.


To overcome the error, follow the steps below before deleting an invoice that has a Credit Note:

Step1: Navigate to Invoices & Credit Notes > Invoices > Specific invoice > Adjusted Credits > … > Remove

Step 2: Once the credit not is removed, you can navigate to the invoice, click on 'three ellipses' and click on `Delete this invoice'. This will let you delete it without an error.

For more information, see Invoice Operation.

To overcome the error, follow the steps below before deleting a Credit Note that has Refunds and Allocations:

Step 1: Navigate to Invoices & Credit Notes > Credit Notes > Specific Credit Note > Refunds and Allocations > … > Remove

Step 2: Once the refund or allocation is removed, you can navigate back to the credit note, click on 'three ellipses' and click on `Delete this credit note'

For more information, Credit Notes.

With the help of "The line items' billing period on the invoice" settings, the service period for the line items in the credit notes will be the same as their respective billing periods on the invoice.
Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Billing & Invoices > Set default service period for credit note line items. Please refer to this link for more information.

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