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Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

account, adjustment, credit, invoice, off, regenerate, remove, report, status, summary, void, write, note

How to void a “write off” invoice?

A “Write off” invoice creates a credit note as an adjustment against the invoice. In order to void a








How to void a “write off” invoice?

How to void a “write off” invoice? 


A “Write off” invoice creates a credit note as an adjustment against the invoice. In order to void an invoice that has been written off, you should remove the adjustment credit note linked to it before you can void it. Follow the steps as described below.

  1. Go to the Adjustment Credits section of the invoice that was written off

  2. Click “…” to the right and select Remove

  1. Check for the change in the Invoice status and click Confirm
  1. Now go to the Invoice section and select “Void the invoice”

Here's a video on the above. To regenerate a voided invoice refer to this article.

Note: When an invoice is written off, an adjustment credit note is created for the invoice value which reflects under bad debt. Once you remove the adjustment credit note, the amount will be reversed and recorded under the "bad debt reversal" column of the account summary report

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