
Integrations Articles & FAQ

Contact, not, found, No, matching, error, hubspot








Hubspot - Contact not found error

Hubspot - Contact not found error 


Error Message: No matching contact found in HubSpot.


These errors occur when the integration tries to sync individual records from Chargebee to HubSpot. Follow the steps below in Chargebee to see the list of record-level errors:

  1. On the left menu, click Settings > Third-party Integrations.

  2. Under Apps connected, select HubSpot.

  3. Unless the sync is currently underway, a Sync Health card is displayed.

  4. To see record-level errors, either click on View errors in current sync or View all.

Status: Failed

Reason: No matching contact was found in HubSpot for the customer record in Chargebee. Also, this error occurs when Do nothing is selected for the configuration setting Choose what happens when a customer in Chargebee does not have a matching contact in HubSpot.

Solution: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Create a contact in HubSpot with the unique field value matching the value of the unique field in the Chargebee customer record and rerun the sync.

  • Change the configuration setting mentioned above to Create contact and rerun the sync. This produces the same effect as the previous option except that it applies the solution to all customer records affected by this error.

  • Ignore the error if you don't want to sync the particular customer record to HubSpot.


I. We have sunset the Hubspot legacy integration on March 3, 2023 which will not be available on the Marketplace. 

II. We have migrated from
 Hubspot legacy to Hubspot Quote to Cash (Q2C) integration, with the release of self-serve flows for customer and subscription sync from Chargebee to Hubspot which also have all features that was on the legacy integration. 

III.  This migration will not impact the existing users and they will continue to use the integration normally as before. Reach out to us from here to know more.

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