address, avalara, bill, calculation, code, customer, entity, error, invalid, number, rate, ship, tax, verify, incomplete, exemption
Avalara error: Unable to calculate the tax rate as the shipping/billing address is either invalid or incomplete
You may experience this error if Avalara is not able to verify the customer's address. This error occurs when you try to exempt tax for your customers and add a country name but fail to specify the tax exemption number in the Avalara entity code.
Note: It is mandatory in all cases to have a tax exemption code.
To skip your customer's shipping/billing address from getting validated:
Go to Chargebee Dashboard > Plans
Create a new plan
Check “This customer is exempted from tax payment”
Specify the exemption reason using Avalara Entity Type or the Exemption Number field.
Note: 1. A customer flagged as exempt from taxes (based on the Entity Code/Exemption Number provided) is subject to taxes in a state/province, but may not be taxed in another state. 2. If Avalara returns taxes for a state/province, then Chargebee will apply the taxes in the invoice, even though the customer is marked as exempt.