google font, settings, themes, ChargeBee, v3, V2, checkout
How to import a Google font which has two words in the name?
A font can usually be added upon configuring themes under Settings (On the left-side panel) » Configure Chargebee » Checkout & Self-Serve Portal » Hosted Pages Settings. You can add the preferred font under the Typography section. However, the same process cannot be followed to add a font whose name has two words. You will have to download and edit the theme file to include the font name and then import it back into Chargebee.
Example: Libre Franklin, Josefin Sans, Open Sans and so on.
Steps to be followed (Open Sans taken as an example here):
Download the theme at Settings (On the left-side panel) » Configure Chargebee » Checkout & Self-Serve Portal » Hosted Pages Settings » Themes » Download (Your preferred theme under Published/Installed).
Unzip and edit “theme.css” file under Assets » CSS. Look for google fonts import and replace the @import url with the below:
@import url(;
If you would like to have the option to use both Open Sans and Chargebee's default fonts, you can use the below code:
@import url(//|{{{typography.google_font}}});
Note: With the V3 checkout pages, the theme settings are not supported as the checkout happens in the form of a pop-up on the same webpage.