check, checkout, custom, edit, have, hosted, hyperlink, link, manage, Mandatory, of, Page, Service, term, setting, privacy, policy, box, must
How to customise the Consent management settings in Chargebee’s hosted page
How to make my legal terms of service as a mandatory option when my customer checks out?
Can I create hyperlinks to redirect the Terms of service to our website?
Chargebee lets you have control over consent management for processing your customer's personal information and ensure privacy.
If you are looking to make the “Terms of Service” and “Privacy policy” as Mandatory you can enable the “Show checkbox to get consent” from the checkout settings. Once this is enabled your customers will have to check the box in order to enable the checkout.
You can enter the link to redirect your customers to where you host your terms and service.
Note: We do not store this consent as checkout will not be completed with this enabled.
To enable this option, Go to
Configure Chargebee
Checkout & Self-Serve Portal
Show Legal information
Provide the links as shown below
Check the consent box
Click Apply.
Enable Show checkout to get consent to set your Terms of Service/Privacy Policy as Mandatory.
You can also customize the labels “Terms and Conditions” and “Privacy policy” as displayed below.
Refer to this article to know how to set up legal information.