
Getting Started Articles & FAQ

ChargeBee Signup, Email Verification, Claim Account, ChargeBee, Sandbox Account, Chargebee Account

Sign up and account claim process with Chargebee

A step by step guide to help you setup an account with Chargebee








Chargebee Signup, Email Verification & Account Claim Process.

Chargebee Signup, Email Verification & Account Claim Process. 


How do I create a Chargebee account?

Can I get a free Chargebee account?

How do I sign up for Chargebee?


Chargebee offers a sandbox account that will get you going in a few minutes, and you can see what Chargebee can do for your business. Once you have made a decision on Chargebee, you can create your live account. You can move all your test site configurations to your live site, saving you the effort.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you sign up and claim your Chargebee account.

  1. Sign up for a Sandbox account with your email address here.

  2. On submitting your email address, you will be logged into a Test site. The URL will be something like “”. You will also receive a verification email.

  3. The verification email will consist of a link that allows you to complete setting up your account.

  4. You can now claim your account and also specify a domain name. You can set a password to access your account.

  5. After you've claimed your account, you can log into your Chargebee account with your email address and password.

  6. When you are ready to enable your live account, you can hit the go live button (Insert- top Left corner).

  7. Choose a plan that suits your business needs.

If you need to have multiple Chargebee sites/accounts, you will need to sign up again using a different email address (which can later be change).

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