
Data Operations Articles & FAQ

migration, stripe migration, Stripe








How do I migrate subscriptions from Stripe to Chargebee while continuing to use Stripe as my payment gateway?

How do I migrate subscriptions from Stripe to Chargebee while continuing to use Stripe as my payment gateway? 


How to import data from Stripe in PC 2.0 ?

Why is this feature not available in the UI unlike PC 1.0?


In PC 1.0 we support importing Stripe data from the UI (Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateway)

If you are a PC 2.0 user, since Stripe doesn't have a product family structure (what we have implemented in PC 2.0), and due to dependencies on Stripe we are not able to imply this feature in our latest version PC 2.0.

If you want to import the data from Stripe end you need manually raise a request with our migration team and we will assist you with the same.


Here's an outline of the process involved in the migration process.

Pre-requisites :

  1. Enable your LIVE site in Chargebee and connect it with your Stripe account.

  2. Create all the necessary Plans, Addons, and Coupons in your Chargebee TEST and LIVE sites. You can learn more about setting up your product catalog here.

  3. Once your Chargebee account is set up, you can test your signup flow to ensure you have everything covered.

  4. You can now start taking new signups from Chargebee and the payments will be processed through Stripe.

  5. To move existing subscription data from Stripe, submit a migration request to us from your Chargebee site by going to Settings > Import & Export Data > Raise a migration request

  6. We recommend that you start getting new signs up through Chargebee before the migration process begins. This is to ensure that there are no new subscriptions created in Stripe that need to be migrated.

Migration Process:

  1. Once we receive your migration request, our support team will send a migration checklist with instructions on getting your Chargebee account setup for the migration.

  2. After you have ticked everything off the list and set up your Chargebee account, we will export the subscription data from your Stripe account and import the Subscriptions into your Chargebee TEST site for review.

  3. Note that the data imported into your TEST site will contain slightly modified email addresses to ensure that your Customers do not accidentally get an email while you are testing. We will also map the card details, so you will be able to see the last 4 digits and expiration date in Chargebee to help you with the verification.

  4. Once you have reviewed the data and given us the go-ahead, we will import the data into your Live site. Depending on your preference, we can cancel the corresponding Subscriptions in Stripe, leaving only the Customers intact (Customers will remain in Stripe since the card details are part of the Customers). Or, you can cancel the Subscriptions in Stripe and let us know.

  5. The Subscriptions will be imported into your LIVE site and mapped to their card details in Stripe.

What data can be migrated?

  • The imported data will only include the Subscription and Customer details along with the current term Invoices.

  • The current term Invoices of the active subscriptions will be imported and that will be based on the current line items of the subscription. This is to help with the proration calculation for the upcoming Invoices in Chargebee. Please note any upgrade or downgrade charges on these Invoices in the previous system will not reflect in Chargebee. Also, refunds cannot be processed on these Invoices.


  • Migrations usually take 5 to 8 business days to complete from the date the data is received and the checklist is completed. This may vary depending on available migration slots, the number of records, data validation, and review by both you and us. We'll be able to provide a timeline after we receive the data.

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