
Data Management Navigation 

Discover the process for accessing and reviewing data in source and destination business entities, including historical records, before and after customer transfers. This encompasses a range of resources like customers, subscriptions, invoices, credit notes, hosted pages, and events within the customer transfer workflow.

Inspecting Data after Transfer from Source Business Entity 

Once a customer and their related subscriptions are moved to the destination business entity according to their renewal dates, a banner will be visible in the source business entity indicating that these resources have been relocated. Accompanying this banner, the subscription status will be updated to "Moved". This banner serves as a visual indicator of the transfer status for both the customer and their subscriptions within the source business entity.

In the source business entity, historical records such as events, invoices, credit notes, email logs, promotional credits, and transactions will be preserved and can be viewed in the "History" section of the Customer and Subscription details page.


Please note that there isn't a direct navigation path from the source business entity to the destination business entity for transferred customers and subscriptions. To locate a transferred customer in the destination entity, use the unique identifiers associated with their account. In cases where users have access only to the source or the destination entity, they should request the necessary permissions from Site Admins or Owners. Users with access to both the source and destination entities as a Business Entity Admin can view the data across both entities.

Transferred Customers from Source Business Entity

Transferred Subscription from Source Business Entity

Transferred Subscription from Source Business Entity via Comments & Activity Log

Ongoing Subscription from Source Business Entity Till its Next Renewal

Inspecting Historical Data after Transfer to Destination Business Entity 

Once a customer is moved to the destination business entity, accompanied by all current subscriptions according to their renewal schedules, all subsequent actions will take place within the destination entity as part of the routine process. The Entities tab is added to the History section on the Customer details page records every transfer the customer has undergone within the site, complete with pertinent information. Details of the most recent transfer will also be reflected in both the Comments and the Activity Log sections.

Selecting the Entity Name associated with a specific transfer activity will launch a new tab displaying the deprecated resource page from the originating business entity. This allows you to access all historical data, as detailed in the above section Inspecting Data after Transfer from Source Business Entity.

Business Entity Transfer History in Customer's Details Page in Destination Entity

Business Entity Transfer in Subscription's Details Page in Destination Entity via Comments & Activity Log

Inspecting Current Data after Transferred to Destination Business Entity 

Standard operations will continue within the entity once a customer and their subscriptions are moved to the destination business entity according to their renewal schedule. All the customer's data will be accessible and navigable within the destination entity where the transfer has occurred.

The only difference will be in the Events and Comments sections, indicating that the customer has been transferred from another business entity.

Yet to be Cloned Subscription in Destination Business Entity Till its Next Renewal

Inspecting Transferred Data as Part of the Transfer Customers Workflow 

As a component of the Customer Transfer workflow, you can access the destination business entity's Customer Index page after successfully transferring customers from one business entity to another. This page, as illustrated in the accompanying screenshot, allows you to view and confirm the details of the customers who have been transferred.

Reviewing Transferred Customer Data as Part of the Customer Transfer

Inspecting Data Via Customer and Subscription Index Pages 

Display of Transferred Data in Destination Entity: After the complete transfer of a customer and their associated subscriptions to a destination business entity, these records will appear on the customer index page of the destination business entity. This includes all customer and subscription information related to the transferred account.

Visibility in Source Entity: Post-transfer, the customer and subscription records will no longer be visible in the Customer and Subscription Index pages of the source business entity where they were originally created. For direct access, utilize the History tab in the Customer Details section within the destination business entity.

Handling Ongoing Subscriptions in Source Entity: Any ongoing subscriptions that remain in the source business entity at the time of initiation will continue to be displayed on the Subscription Index page of the source business entity. These will be visible only until they are cloned to the destination business entity. After cloning, such subscriptions will be accessible under the destination business entity.

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