
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

date, NETD, NET, D, Payment terms, Due








How do I set Net-D for a customer?

How do I set Net-D for a customer? 


How do I set the Net-D period for a specific customer?

I am not able to see the Net-D option?

Can I set Payment terms for online customers?

How to create a subscription without a payment method keeping Auto Collection as “On”?


Net-D is a feature that differs the due date for an invoice, that is, when an invoice is raised on Chargebee, the default due date is the day the invoice is generated and Net-D allows you to give customers (both online and offline) time to process & Send out a payment.

By default payment terms feature is available for the Offline payment method (auto collection -'OFF') at the site setting (Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Payment Terms). Please contact Chargebee support to enable the payment terms for the online payment methods as well (auto collection 'ON').

Payment terms (Net-D) - This feature is currently available on selective plans. Please refer to the plans and pricing page. If you are on our previous plans, then this feature is available on Rise and above plans.
Note: Total Amount due for a specific customer
We have updated our summary box to provide a more streamlined and elegant user experience. With this upgrade, hyperlinks have been added to the summary box, allowing users to easily access related information. The Total Amount Due on Summary Section is available at the top of the Customer details page which provides a total amount due of a customer and hyperlink that directs to the details. Refer to this link for more details. 


The Net-D can be at the site level which applies to all customers, go to:-

SETTINGS » CONFIGURE CHARGEBEE » BILLING LOGIQ » PAYMENT TERMS » Select the type of payment method for which you want Net D to be applied.

Offline Payment Method -> Auto collection 'OFF' customers

Online Payment Method -> Auto collection 'ON' customers

Please note that once the option is enabled, it is not possible to disable it from the Chargebee UI

Select the number of days in 'Choose Default Payment Term'

To set a Net-D date that is not available in this list, contact Chargebee Support.

You can see the site-level setting for payment terms while creating a customer. You can choose to override the site level Net D at the customer level.

- Net D works for both when auto-collection is "OFF" as well as "ON" for the customer
- Invoice status moves to 'Posted' during the net-d period and later moves to a 'Payment Due' (auto collection -OFF) or 'Paid' (auto collection - ON) post the due date.
- Either the customer could pay you back or you could auto collect the money using the Collect Now option on the invoice. 

Editing the existing customer record's payment term

Open the customer's details page » click on 'edit customer' on action panel » update the PAYMENT TERMS »Click on 'Update'

Click Here to know more about Net-D.

Related Article

How to set Net D for subscriptions via API?

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