
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

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Changing the billing date to a different date when calendar billing is enabled

Changing the billing date to a different date when calendar billing is enabled 


Calendar Billing feature lets you set a specific billing date for your customers, regardless of their signup, to suit your business needs. Therefore, to change the billing date, you have to disable the calendar billing feature and re-enable the same after changing the billing date. This may affect the customers who signup in the interim before the change gets processed.

We have migrated to new Self-Serve Calendar Billing configuration from 23 March 2023. Self-Serve Calendar Billing allows you to add multiple Site-level & Plan-level configurations also supports Yearly billing frequency. With this new configuration, you can manage both SaaS and E-Commerce business. Besides, the Advance trigger allows you to set calendar billing for specific events. Reach out to our support to enable this feature on your site.
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for SaaS business
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for E-Commerce business

For example, when you disable the Calendar Billing from your site to change the renewal date to April 15th and enable it back after you are done with changing the billing date, during this time period of having it disabled, if a customer signs up to your site, for example, on March 18, his billing date will be aligned to the 18th of every month.

When Calendar billing is enabled, the “Change end term” option restricts you from changing the term end date. As a result of this, you may experience an error as stated below,

To avoid this raise a request with support to disable calendar billing from backend and perform a bulk operation as stated below to change the billing date.

Bulk operation for Changing the billing date

For example, Assume that you want to change the billing date to Apr 18th rather than charging your customers on Apr 1st. To do this,

  1. Go to Subscriptions and check for the subscriptions that need a billing date change.

  2. Now Go to,

    Import and Export data
    Choose a Bulk Operation
    Select Subscriptions
    Change Billing date
    Click Proceed

  3. Download the sample .CSV file provided and fill in the fields such as customer[id], customer[billing_date], customer[billing_date_mode], etc.

  4. Download the .CSV file created and upload the same using the upload option as given in the above image.

  5. Edit/Check the field details under Map Columns and click Next

  6. Select Allowed Values as manually_set under Map Enumerated values and click Submit.

  7. Select Disable Webhooks and Disable Email Notifications under Change Billing date and click Continue

  8. The operation validates the .CSV file. Click on Update (n) customers

  9. Click View Customers. You will now be redirected to the “Customers” page.

  10. Go to Subscriptions and select the subscriptions that need a billing term change and click on Change term end

  11. Choose a term end date and Click on Apply.

  12. You can now view the changed term end date on the “Subscriptions” page


  • After changing the term end date using the above process (with calendar billing enabled), your customers will be charged on Apr 18th. To reset the billing date back to 1st May perform the above steps once again.

  • If a single customer holds multiple subscriptions then, setting a new billing date will align all those subscriptions to the changed term end date.

Here's a video demonstration of the above function.

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