
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

account, auto, collection, consolidated, currency, customer, default, Hierarchy, invoice, set, up








Consolidated invoicing set up with Account hierarchy

Consolidated invoicing set up with Account hierarchy 

This article covers 

Set up options in the Account hierarchy

Account hierarchy invoicing options


While setting up the account hierarchy between accounts, based on the setting (who to invoice parent /child), the invoices would be consolidated for the invoiced entity.

Consolidated Invoicing - This feature is currently available on selective plans. Please refer to the plans and pricing page. If you are on our previous plans, then this feature is available on Rise and above plans.

For example, let's consider Acme USA as the parent account and Acme New York/Acme Arizona as the child accounts with 2 subscriptions each. If you choose Acme USA is paying for the child account's subscriptions, Acme USA will have 4 subscriptions.

Invoices can be consolidated at Acme USA if all of the below-listed invoice consolidation prerequisites are met.

  • The charges for the customer (subscription renewals and unbilled charges) are due to be invoiced on the same day.

  • The charges have the same currency.

  • The charges are from subscriptions that have the same auto-collection status.

  • If auto-collection is on, then the subscriptions have exactly the same payment method.

Note: If you wish to have all subscriptions renew on the same day of the month or week, then enable Calendar BillingHere's more on how the invoicing feature works with respect to Account Hierarchy. 
We have migrated to new Self-Serve Calendar Billing configuration from 23 March 2023. Self-Serve Calendar Billing allows you to add multiple Site-level & Plan-level configurations also supports Yearly billing frequency. With this new configuration, you can manage both SaaS and E-Commerce business. Besides, the Advance trigger allows you to set calendar billing for specific events. Reach out to our support to enable this feature on your site.
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for SaaS business
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for E-Commerce business

To set up consolidation with Account hierarchy, you need the consolidated invoicing enabled for the customer account that is set up to pay for the child's invoices. The consolidation option by default uses the site's setup but can be overridden at the customer level as well.

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