
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

invoice, multiple subscriptions, consolidating invoice








Can I add multiple subscriptions to a single invoice?

Can I add multiple subscriptions to a single invoice? 


Can I have a single invoice for all the subscriptions for a customer?

Can I consolidate invoices of the same billing date together?


If a single customer has multiple subscriptions, you can enable the Consolidated Invoicing feature to group all the subscription charges in a single invoice instead of sending multiple invoices to the customer.

Consolidated Invoicing - This feature is currently available on selective plans. Please refer to the plans and pricing page. If you are on our previous plans, then this feature is available on Rise and above plans.

How does Consolidated Invoicing work?

Invoices can be consolidated only for the subscriptions renewing on the same day. You can use the Calendar Billing feature to sync the renewal dates for subscriptions.

We have migrated to new Self-Serve Calendar Billing configuration from 23 March 2023. Self-Serve Calendar Billing allows you to add multiple Site-level & Plan-level configurations also supports Yearly billing frequency. With this new configuration, you can manage both SaaS and E-Commerce business. Besides, the Advance trigger allows you to set calendar billing for specific events. Reach out to our support to enable this feature on your site.
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for SaaS business
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for E-Commerce business

Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Consolidated Invoicing for further operations. Here you can choose to group invoices for subscriptions with different PO numbers and Shipping Addresses.

By default, Chargebee will group charges by the following:

  • Currency:** Invoices can be grouped for invoices in the same currency.

  • Billing date: The charges for the customer (subscription renewals and unbilled charges) are due to be invoiced on the same day

- Payment Method: Charges for a particular payment method will be grouped in a single invoice. Separate invoices will be created for different payment methods.

- Auto-Collection status: Separate invoices will be created for Auto Collection “On” and “Off”.

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