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Integrations Articles & FAQ

salesforce, won, deal

Why deals are being automatically closed won in Salesforce?

This option automatically creates (when the opportunity is for a new subscription) or updates (when








Why deals are being automatically closed won in Salesforce?

Why deals are being automatically closed won in Salesforce? 


Why deals are being automatically closed won in Salesforce integration?

How to change the opportunity for creating a subscription in Salesforce?

How to manage sync rules in Salesforce integration?


This option automatically creates (when the opportunity is for a new subscription) or updates (when the opportunity is for an existing subscription) subscriptions in Chargebee when opportunities are 'won' in Salesforce. However, you can customize it as per your business requirements.

Navigate from Salesforce > Click on the square dots (At the Top-Right hand corner) > View all > Chargebee for Salesforce


**Navigate from Salesforce >

(At the Top-Right hand corner) > View all > Chargebee for Salesforce**

Then navigate to Chargebee settings > Sync Rules > Next > Opportunities

You can change the settings as per your configuration and the list of stages are displayed below

Similarly, you can also manage the stages for the subscription created from Salesforce.

Follow the steps by clicking on 'Next' and completing the syn rules to update the opportunity sync rules. Similarly, you can also manage the stages for the subscription created from Salesforce via the checkout link.

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