How to sync Chargebee billing contacts in Salesforce integration?
How to sync billing contacts from Chargebee to Salesforce?
What happens if there is a billing contact field is empty in Salesforce?
What is the new enhancement on billing contact with Chargebee Salesforce integration?
Earlier, we only synchronised Chargebee customers to a Salesforce contact, and we did not sync the billing contacts. With the new improvements, to sync Chargebee customers in Salesforce, the same configuration will also apply to the Billing contacts of the customer. Navigate from Chargebee Integration > Sync Rules > Sync Rules for Accounts > When a Chargebee customer has a matching account in Salesforce. You can select over three options
Overwrite with Chargebee data: Overwrites the data available in Chargebee to Salesforce
Overwrite empty Salesforce fields: Overwrites the data available in Chargebee only if the billing contact field is empty in Salesforce.
Map only.
Note: Currently, First Name, Last Name, Email address & Phone number will only be populated in Salesforce from Chargebee.
Overwrite with Chargebee data:
Once we update the Billing Contact in Chargebee, it overwrites the data available in Chargebee to Salesforce. For example, we have created a billing contact (
Using the rule, When a Chargebee customer has a matching account in Salesforce to Overwrite with Chargebee data, whenever there is an automatic or manual sync in Salesforce, the billing contact will be automatically updated from Chargebee to Salesforce.
Once the billing contact is updated in Chargebee, navigate to Salesforce and click on Sync Records.
Click on Refresh Grid, and now we have the Chargbee billing contact synchronized in Salesforce (screenshot for reference).
Overwrite empty Salesforce fields
Overwrites the data available in Chargebee only if the billing contact field is empty in Salesforce.
Say, for example, we have a customer (chargebee_user_02) created in Chargebee
But the billing contact was not updated and synced in Salesforce.
As you can see the Chargebee customer billing contact field is blank as referred to in the screenshot below.
For testing purposes, we create a billing contact in Salesforce for the same customer without the first name so the billing contact first name field is empty on Salesforce.
Since the billing contact was only updated in Salesforce, it automatically reflects the same details for that customer.
Then if we update the Billing contact's first name in Chargebee for example chargebee_user_02
To check the sync status, we click on Sync Records in Salesforce from Chargebee Integration
Once you click on Refresh Grid, Salesforce automatically captures the field from Chargebee (if updated) which was empty on Salesforce in our case the first name.
Map only
This process will automatically check the customer's email address in Chargebee and map the billing contact to Salesforce respectively.