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Hosted Pages Articles & FAQ

labels, checkout, portal, text, fields, buttons








How can I change the ‘Charge’ text on the V3 checkout page?

How can I change the ‘Charge’ text on the V3 checkout page? 


How can I change the 'Charge' text on the V3 checkout page?

How to edit the header on the in-app checkout page?

How to edit the text button on the drop-in script checkout?

Can we edit the label on each checkout page?

Is there any way to change hosted page title?


If you're looking to edit the name of any button or field on the checkout page or self-service portal, you can find the required label from Checkout & Self Service Portal settings (Labels).


The Chargebee checkout & portal pages can be customized as per your requirements. To edit the default fields or labels, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self Service Portal

  2. Click on the 'Labels' tab

  1. Click 'Add more copy/text' under Labels and Messages and search the keyword you would like to change or update.
  1. Then, you will have the option to select multiple labels and then click on the 'Add' button. You will see a tick mark on the right-hand corner of the labels once selected.
  1. Once you add, you will have all the lists of selected labels. You can then edit by clicking on the pen icon%%% cbext
  1. This is how the window will be displayed. You can edit the text and click 'Apply'.
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