
Data Privacy & Security Articles & FAQ

account, email, issue, login, not working, OTP, one-time password, locked out, not received, locked

My one-time password isn't working.

double-check mail ID and OTP - Please check the email id and the OTP entered. Delete all the OTP ema








My one-time password isn't working.

My one-time password isn't working. 


  1. I am an end-user and my OTP isn't working
  2. I am a merchant who is not using Time Machine but OTP isn't working
  3. If you are a merchant and testing this on a time machine then please click here to know more.
  4. There are two types of issues with OTP not working

Scenario 1: Invalid OTP entered

  1. Double-check the email address and OTP
  2. Delete all the OTP emails that were received so far in the email, initiate a new OTP, and try to login again with the latest OTP.
Note: The maximum number of incorrect login attempts is 5 and post that the account will be locked. The expected lockout period is 30 mins and you can retry post 30 mins. This is a security process followed in order to prevent excessive requests made to the system.

Scenario 2: OTP email not received

If you are not using a time-machine then there are two possibilities:

  1. Please make sure you are trying to log in with the correct email address.
  2. It is also possible that the OTP emails had landed in the Spam folder of your inbox, so check the spam for OTP mail.
  3. If you are using your own SMTP then please check the logs to see if there are any email IDs in the bounce list.

Also, check if you are trying to log in to the correct domain region that your site is registered at. Trying to reset the password using the incorrect domain region might also be the reason for not receiving the reset password email. Refer to the screenshot below.

A temporary solution

If you were to come across instances where one of your customers is unable to access the portal and seeks your assistance, the only way to manually initiate a portal session without mandating login would be via API implementation.

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