
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

error, subscription, reactivation, card, payment, update, declined, Collect








Error: Subscription can't be reactivated, because the system tries to collect payment from the old declined card

Error: Subscription can't be reactivated, because the system tries to collect payment from the old declined card 


Subscription can't be reactivated, because the system tries to collect payment from the old declined card


If you have enabled 'Payment collection when payment method is added' from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ, it will let the subscription be enabled only after payment collection.

This issue normally occurs if the payment gateway is unable to perform a transaction on a card due to certain conditions such as 'insufficient funds', or 'expired card'. In order to overcome this, the user has to update the card from the self-serve portal while activating the subscription.


We need to ensure that the required features are enabled for the users to update their payment method from the portal.


  1. We need to allow the user to remove the current payment method and add a new payment method in the portal.

Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-Serve Portal > Self-Serve Portal. Enable 'Allow customers to remove their primary payment method'.

  1. You can either let the customer update multiple payment methods from the portal or send an update payment method email to them once you have reactivated the subscription from Chargebee UI.

If you allow the user to have multiple payment methods, then enable Allow customers to add multiple payment methods. To enable this feature, navigate from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-Serve Portal > Advanced Settings

Next, ensure you have enabled 'Payment collection when payment method is added' from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ to collect payment when the card is added.

How to update Payment Method from Portal?

Once the user logged into their account, before reactivating the subscription, they have to update the payment method from 'Payment Methods'

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