
Payments Articles & FAQ

E-mandate, subscription, recurring, razorpay

One of my subscriptions says E-Mandate not set. I'm unable to receive recurring payments from such s

Subscriptions have a prompt that says E-Mandate Not Set with an explanation - Due to limitations wit








One of my subscriptions says E-Mandate not set. I'm unable to receive recurring payments from such subscriptions.

One of my subscriptions says E-Mandate not set. I'm unable to receive recurring payments from such subscriptions. 


Error - Due to limitations with the gateway and the bank, your customer cannot currently set up a mandate for recurring payments in a non-INR currency. Collect payments manually by emailing them a 'Pay Now' link.

Unable to setup e-mandate with a Non-INR currency


Subscriptions have a prompt that says E-Mandate Not Set with an explanation - Due to limitations with the gateway and the bank, your customer cannot currently set up a mandate for recurring payments in a non-INR currency. Collect payments manually by emailing them a 'Pay Now' link.


This error is specific to subscriptions set to collect recurring payments through the RazorPay gateway. RazorPay only supports INR-based recurring payments which will require an E-Mandate as per RBI's guidelines.

When subscriptions are created with a Non-INR currency, recurring payments will not be supported by RazorPay as E-Mandates cannot be created for non-INR currency-based subscriptions. Hence, the above prompt and error show up on such subscriptions.

Since E-Mandates cannot be created in such instances, payments can only be collected by sending out a Pay Now link through email. It can either be manually sent or can be added to dunning emails for automation. Click here to know more about how you could add a Pay Now link to an email.

Subscription changes via Portal

If you have integrated Chargebee with RazorPay as your gateway of choice, customers will not be able to make changes such as Upgrades/ Downgrades, adding addons, coupons, changing quantity, etc. via the Chargebee portal. Changing subscription's plan related details such as the above is not supported, when RazorPay is implemented. The only changes that customers will be allowed to make, will be changing details such as- Billing address, Shipping address, and updating customer-level fields (if any).

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