
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

consolidate, invoice, customers, PC 1.0, PC 2.0








Is it possible to have Consolidated Invoicing only for specific customers?

Is it possible to have Consolidated Invoicing only for specific customers? 


Is it possible to have Consolidated Invoicing only for specific customers?

How to consolidate invoices for a customer?

Do we have an option to disable consolidating invoices only for a few customers?


Chargebee allows you to manage preferences of consolidated invoicing in site-level settings. You need to disable Consolidate invoices for all customers from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Consolidated Invoicing with the exception of overriding this feature at the customer level which enables you to specify Consolidated Invoicing only to specific customers.

Consolidated Invoicing - This feature is currently available on selective plans. Please refer to the plans and pricing page. If you are on our previous plans, then this feature is available on Rise and above plans.


Navigate from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Consolidated Invoicing. On the Consolidated Invoicing page, perform the following steps:

Consolidate invoices for all customers, disable this feature and you must allow overriding for individual customer records via the Chargebee interface, by toggling this option as displayed below.

Using Chargebee's User Interface

To customize the consolidated invoicing settings for specific customers, follow these steps:

  1. Click Customers and go to the details page of the customer record.

  2. Click Edit Customer > Consolidated Invoicing drop-down, and select one of the following:

    • Use Site Default: Assume the same setting as the one set for the site.

    • Always Consolidate: Enable consolidated invoicing for the customer regardless of the site setting.

    • Never Consolidate: Disable consolidated invoicing for the customer regardless of the site setting.

On selecting any of the last two options, the details page for the customer shows the current setting.%%% cbext

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