reason, code, refund, credit, note, export, download, view
How to view/ export refund reason codes.
How do I export refund reason codes?
How do I export refunded credit notes?
You can export the reason codes by first filtering the refund credit note from Credit Note > Refunds > is > Present and Add Filter > Reason Codes. Then click Export > Export as CSV.
If you would like to export subscription data to see the various cancellation reasons, you need to perform an export of the subscriptions you want. From there, you can look at the refund reason codes. You can do this by going into the subscriptions tab, applying the desired filter, and then exporting the subscriptions. Navigate to Credit Note > Refunds > is > Present and Add Filter > Reason Codes. Then click Export > Export as CSV.
Note: With the recent UI enhancement, you can now scroll the index pages (Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, and Credit Notes) vertically. Earlier, the pages were paginated, which may prolong your search; however, with the new enhancement, as you scroll down the list, it will load all other data on a single page, as highlighted below on the screenshot. Refer to this link for more information.
Then click Export > Export as CSV.
Once exported, you can view the list of reason codes.
If you are using the API, then please refer to this link to learn more about exporting credit notes with reason codes.