
Product Catalog Articles & FAQ

difference, differential pricing, Price Override

What is the difference between price override and differential pricing for addons/charges?

You may choose to give some customers or some subscriptions a decreased or increased price of an exi








What is the difference between price override and differential pricing for addons/charges?

What is the difference between price override and differential pricing for addons/charges? 


I want to create customized pricing of addon/charges for some of my subscriptions

I want to change the price of addon/charge for a few plans.


You may choose to give some customers or some subscriptions a decreased or increased price of an existing addon or charge. This can be achieved through price override: editing the price amount of the addon or coupon attached to the customer/subscription.

Price override

Differential Pricing

Customized at customer or subscription level

Customized at the plan level

The price of addon or charge is changed either while creating the subscription or at the customer level

The prices are edited by using the 'Differential Pricing' link at the bottom of the specific addon or charge. 

The changes applied do not affect the other subscriptions or customers 

The changes apply to all the new subscriptions with the addon/charge as well as new charges for customers 

More information on price override is available here More information on differential pricing is available here

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