At present, we do not have the option to filter the features associated with a plan from the Chargebee UI. This is possible using only API currently.
a) To retrieve the item entitlements for an item (plans/Addons/charges)
API used: List item entitlements for an item
Input: Plan/ Addon/Charge ID (not the item price)
Limit: Number of resources to be retrieved
Offset - Determines your position in the list for pagination
Sample API call:
curl \
-G \
-u test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:\
--data-urlencode limit=2 \
--data-urlencode offset="0"
b) To retrieve the entitlements for a feature
API used: List item entitlements for a feature
Input: Feature ID
Limit: Number of resources to be retrieved
Offset: Determines your position in the list for pagination.