
Abandoned Carts 


When the customer leaves a checkout page unattended for 30 minutes, or when they close the webpage and not return to it within 30 minutes, it is counted as an Abandoned Cart. Abandoned cart tracking allows you to measure how many visitors/customers leave the checkout without completing a purchase, leaving items in the cart.


For pricing related information for this feature, please check the "Reporting" section on our Plans and Pricing   page.

Abandoned carts are only tracked when an email address has been provided by the customer. As a result, it's a good idea to make email address a mandatory field so that there is a way to contact the cart owner.

To use this feature:

Go to Settings > Checkout and Self-Serve Portal > Configuration > Checkout > Turn on the Track abandoned carts toggle.

To protect the privacy of users who browse your product catalog, this feature is disabled by default in Chargebee. Moreover, once the feature is enabled, tracking data is only kept for 30 days and older data is deleted. This is to prevent the accumulation of user data for longer than is necessary for the purpose.

To protect the privacy of your customers, we strongly recommend that you clearly indicate to them when this feature is being used.

Email Notifications 

Chargebee can send email notifications to remind your customers about the items they have left in the cart without completing the purchase. These email notifications can be configured in your Chargebee Site. See email notifications to know more.



Once the feature is enabled, Chargebee generates a report to track abandoned carts and abandoned carts that have been recovered by the customer.


For pricing related information for this feature, please check the "Reporting" section on our Plans and Pricing   page.

Abandoned Carts Report 

To view the report, navigate to Reports > Revenue Recovery > Abandoned Carts. The report refreshes every hour on the Live site.

  • You can select a specific day or a date range to generate the report.
  • The report contains customer and product details.
  • Plans, Addons, and Coupons are considered as a part of the final value calculation for order value in the report.

Currently, abandoned cart report is descoped. Learn more

Recovered Carts Report 

When a customer, who had abandoned a cart previously, revisits the cart and completes checkout, the cart is called a ‘Recovered Cart'. Chargebee generates a report of the recovered carts also. The report includes details about the customer, product, value recovered and the recovery source during checkout.


Recovery Source shows how the customer was led to the cart recovery process:

  • Organic: The customer logged in to your website and checked out the cart on their own.
  • Email: The customer checked out through the Chargebee reminder email they received about the abandoned cart.

For a cart to be counted as a recovered cart, the email ID used by the customer during cart abandonment and while checking out should be the same.

Tracking Abandoned Carts via API 

An attribute called ‘checkout_info ' added in the Hosted Pages resource helps Chargebee achieve this. The checkout_info attribute has information about the customer (email, first name and last name) which can be used for soliciting the customer and finding the reason for failure. The keys that can be found in the checkout_info are:

  • client_ip
  • order_value
  • currency
  • locale
  • coupon_actions : []
  • checkout_submit : []
  • vat_validation : []
  • order_items : []
  • subscription : {}
  • customer : {}
  • billing_address : {}
  • shipping_address : {}

To track abandoned carts, you can make use of Hosted Pages API attributes. To know more, refer Chargebee's solution article on how to track abandoned carts .


How can I enable/disable this feature if I'm using Chargebee Hosted Pages v2?

Navigate to Settings > Checkout and Self-Serve Portal> Tracking & font settings > Check "Track cart abandonment from Chargebee's Checkout".

If you wish to send email reminders to customers then check the box that appears next: "Send cart abandonment emails from Chargebee." On checking the box, the default settings for the email notifications are enabled.

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