How can I filter achieved and active plans?
How can I test checkout for an item on PC 2.0?
With our new and improved item details page, we have enhanced the visibility into key details of individual price points, and the ability to search or find a price point. This includes the item detail page i.e, Plans, Addons & Charges details page
The revamped Item detail page consists of a header with Item details such as Item ID, Display in Checkout status, Display in Self-Serve Portal, JSON Metadata, Last Modified, and Channel status. Using the new & enhanced filter, we have leveraged the search criteria at the column level to drive specific search results. You can filter the items by
1. Currency
2. Frequency
3. Pricing Model
4. Price
5. Billing Cycle
6. Trial
You can also directly grab the code for the specific item price directly from this page that is available under Checkout and Self-Serve Portal page.
Eventually, they can access the Plan's test checkout page by clicking on the eye icon.
You can also Edit or Delete an active plan without price points
And Plans with price points you can Edit or Archive by clicking on the ellipsis on the right-hand corner of the items.
By using the drop-down highlighted above on the screenshot you can filter the plans by Active or Archive status.