revenuestory, RS, metric, active, subscription, plan, by
What is Active Subscriptions by Plan metric in RevenueStory?
ACTIVE Subscriptions by Plan = [(Total Count of Subscriptions with status as ACTIVE per Plan during[]
What is Active Subscriptions by Plan metric in RevenueStory?
What is Active Subscriptions by Plan metric in RevenueStory?
Total number of Subscriptions which are ACTIVE as of date, including ACTIVE Subscriptions in both paid and unpaid Plans segmented by Plan.
Explanation of metric
- A bar chart representing the Total Active Subscriptions. Each vertical bar sub-categorizes Subscriptions based on the plan such that Subscriptions with a similar plan and ACTIVE status during the period are grouped and stacked over one another.
How it's measured
ACTIVE Subscriptions by Plan = [(Total Count of Subscriptions with status as ACTIVE per Plan during the period)].
- A decrease in this metric could mean higher Cancellation or lower new Customer addition. So, it is one of the metrics to focus on before moving down the metrics chain towards revenue, paid Plans, ARPU, or up the chain with Signups, Activations, and so on.
- Example: Roll-up Active Subscriptions by Plan:250 Active Subscriptions for Plan A,35 Active Subscriptions for Plan B, and so on.
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