
Data Operations Articles & FAQ

billing, shipping, address, export, download, filter, subscription, customer








How can I export a list of customers with their billing and shipping addresses?

How can I export a list of customers with their billing and shipping addresses? 


How can I export the billing address?

How can I export the shipping addresses of our customers?

How to download the customer's address as a CSV file?

How to pull a report of the customers based on the states of particular country?


In Chargebee you can filter data as per your search criteria using the Advanced filter option. You can export Billing addresses from Customers Index Page, and the Shipping addresses from the Subscriptions Index Page.


Billing address:
This option is available under the Customers Index Page. Navigate to Filter list > Billing Address

We have a list of specific billing address filters such as:

  • Address Line1

  • Address Line2

  • Address Line3

  • City

  • State

  • Country Code

  • Zip

  • Validation Status

You can choose any one (or) combined search criteria using multiple filters to narrow down the results. To filter the billing address in general, you can use Country Code and use condition as 'is present' to pull up all the countries (or) 'contains' to get specific countries list.

If you would like to save a particular set of conditions (a filter) to use again at a later time, click on the Save filter option. It allows you to name it and store the filter for future purposes.

Shipping address:

This option is available under Subscription Index Page. Navigate to Filter list > Shipping Address

We have a list of specific shipping address filters such as:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Address Line1

  • Address Line2

  • Address Line3

  • City

  • State

  • Country Code

  • Zip

  • Validation Status

You can choose any one (or) combined search criteria using multiple filters to narrow down the results. To filter the billing address in general, you can use Country Code and use condition as 'is present' to pull up all the countries (or) 'contains' to get specific countries list.

Once you set the filter as per your requirement, then you can click on Export > Export as CSV.

Alternatively, you can export the Shipping address using the same filters from Import & Export Data > Export Data > Subscriptions > Select criteria to export > Shipping Address and then click 'Preview' to view the results and 'Export' to download the lists in CSV format.

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